~Elijah says, "Thank you, Everybody, for your nice comments and birthday wishes." =D He had a nice birthday.
Elijah LOVES to sing and sings all the time! It's so cute to hear him "sing" in church. He amazes me how often he sings on tune, for such a young child. He sings "Jesus Loves Me" all the way through. He LOVES microphones because he saw all of his family using them during 4 months of our deputation. After our services he would go and get a microphone and start "singing" too! =)
~Sarah was a huge help in blowing up all the balloons that we used to decorate for Elijah's birthday.~

~A happy Elijah eating his birthday lunch.~

~Our family enjoying yummy Skyline chili.~

~We were debating what to put on Elijah's cake. A microphone, "Jesus Loves Me" and music notes, or an airplane. He loves Jay Jay the Jet plane book. When he sees an airplane in the sky he'll say, "Bye-Bye Jay Jay Airplane!" =) So, we decided to do a Jay Jay on his cake. Our family prefers lighter/less sweet icing, so I used Cool whip and vanilla pudding. I was going to decorate the side of the cake, but the icing was too soft. Here, Phillip is planning to start drawing Jay Jay airplane on Elijah's cake.~

~Phillip did a GREAT job in-spite of the icing being too soft to really be a "decorator's icing." When Elijah woke up, he was soooo excited with his Jay Jay airplane cake.~

~His gifts on our piano and music stand.~

~I just missed him blowing out his 2 balloon candles.~

~He LOVED this noise maker. The only problem was that he could only blow it hard enough to make it go out, but not make a noise. So, he would just HUM in his. =)~

~Opening his gifts.~

~His little "Jay Jay airplane" that plays music. (It wasn't really Jay Jay, but he calls ALL airplanes, "Jay Jay.")~

~His guitar. He LOVES music. Now, he strums his guitar while singing, "Jesus Loves me."~

~His face after enjoying some yummy cake.~

~The boys all dressed up on their way to church last Sunday.~

~Here they have a custom that when you have a birthday, you come up front and they sing to you and pray for you. I was behind them playing "Happy Birthday and cracking up because when they clapped for Elijah, he clapped too.~ =)

~Farly got me this pretty red sweater for Mother's day. Here I am with Farly on my left, and her Mom on my right.~