~Our family bought this HUGE bone and little stuffed animal (that our kids are holding in this pic) to send back with Bro. Edwards to our kids' dog, Bridget, who lives in AZ with our Grandpa and Grandma D.~

Noah got a new semi truck toy and he pointed to the 2 exhaust pipes sticking out the top in the front and said, "Here is where the DUST comes out!"
~Our family and Bro. Edwards having our family devotions. We have some sweet times during our family devotions...filled with God's presence as we read the Bible, Phillip reads a catechism to us to teach our kids more about God and His Word, and we sing some ENGLISH hymns and kids songs.~

Kimberly was eating some soup from a restaurant and made the comment that she didn't like it. So, Phillip informed her that we don't say that at the table, and that she needed to try to eat all of it, for saying that, for she knew that she wasn't allowed to make comments like that. A few seconds later, Noah said, "This is yucky, I don't like this!" And Phillip said, "Noah, I'd be careful about saying you don't like something, for that is why Kimberly is having to eat all of her soup." To which Noah promptly CHANGED HIS MIND AND said, "OHHHH....I LIKE this!!" We all howled laughing. ~The other night Kimberly made us this choc. covered strawberries. She said they didn't turn out pretty, but they were sure yummy!~

The other night Noah was sucking on a half of a lime. He wanted to take it to bed with him, but Phillip told him that he could put it on the dresser and eat it in the morning. He then got concerned and said, "BUT THE ANTS WILL GET IT!" Phillip assured him that ants only like sweet things but that they don't like lemons, to which he asked, "Why, because it burns their lips?" Phillip and I cracked up thinking about the ants holding their burning lips. =D
Wow, now THAT is a bone!
Love the cute jammies you made...they look so cozy and warm!
I am so sorry your company had to leave. It is great to hear someone else is teaching their kids to be polite at the table. I am doing the exact same thing with Katy. I tell her all the time not to say she doesn't like something. She actually doesn't say it often for she isn't very picky(Thank goodness)
Enjoy reading your blog. Not sure if you will remember me or not. I worked at GBS from 1996 to 1999. I was the Cashier. I do JR Church and my kids pray for you and your family every Sunday.
Becky (Toth) Bell
I couldn't help but chuckle when I read about the table manners. We made the rule that if you said something was yucky, you got some more. It worked great on the girls but not David since there is NOTHING he won't eat. He would always say something is yucky just so he could get some more!!!
LOve Noah's comments! TOO cute! :-) Dusti says something really similar when I get after him for contradicting what I say, so then he'll try to reverse what he says & lots of times it doesn't quite fit, but is quite humorous!
That dog is really gonna be happy. Love Noah's little sayings. Kids say such cute things don't they?!
P.S. Tell Kimberly I think her strawberries look yummy! And I love the mental image of ants with sour lips!
Catching up a bit on your blog! You are such a talented lady!! The poems were very good!! I also enjoy "hearing" about your days and the neat things you accomplish!! Keep up the great work, dear friend!! May God richly bless you all!!
Nice strawberries, Kimberly. I don't think they look bad at all!! Kids say the cutest things!!
Kimberly can make me strawberries anytime! They look great. I'm glad you had a nice time with Bro. Edwards. It must have been nice to have someone from home with you for so long.
Heather thank you so much for your sharing your stories and life there in Colombia, I enjoy reading your blog. Enjoy you projects that you share in cooking and sewing as well as sharing about your daughter and her working with a Sunday School Class. So love to here each bit of news there. And Phillip in his work there as well. Thank you so much for sharing all that you share. Love & Prayers, Eileen. P.S. Could you send me your mother in laws email address, she comments on my blog and would love to email her personally. Thank You
Sorry slip of the finger
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