Last week we went shopping and bought material to make up several patterns that are new to us, and we've wanted to sew, before school starts this coming Tuesday, Sep. 18th. I made these nightgowns and matching pillows for Kimberly and Sarah, from a pattern my Moma sent us. Then I combined 2 patterns that Julie Miller sent me and asked Jesus to help me and made these jammies for Noah.

RIGHT AFTER I TOOK THIS PICTURE, NOAH WENT UPSTAIRS AND PLAYED IN KIMBERLY'S RED PAINT FOR HER SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS, AND TURNED HIS NEW JAMMIES RED!!! HELP! THANKFULLY, MOST OF IT CAME OUT, BUT THEY STILL HAVE A TINGE OF "PINK!" =) I took Martha Goings advise and made "jammies" (I sewed tubes) to hide our electrical cords, now you don't see cords going everywhere under our table, Thanks Martha.

I made 4 jean skirts for a family I know, and want to make 4 more for another family in our church. Kimberly and I made these blue skirts for she and Sarah, and we had fun making matching skirts for their babies too!~

We have a few more things we want to sew tomorrow, on Monday, then our dear "Grandpa" Edwards leaves early Tuesday morning to go home to AZ, and we start school. We surely have enjoyed having Bro. Edwards with us. He's such a dear man to our family, and he is just like our family. PLEASE PRAY THAT HE HAS A SAFE TRIP HOME ON TUESDAY! THANKS!
We had a good Sunday today. This is the first Sunday we had communion, and there were 8 of us that took communion. (then lots more people came later!) I made homemade grape juice and hauled it in a new thermos that someone had given us, and we'd never used. We just used saltine crackers for the "bread." It was a sweet time of remembering and Thanking Jesus for all He has done for us.

Here's Kimberly's class (11 today) doing their craft, after Kimberly told them the story of God destroying Sodom and Gomorra. Kimberly made up the craft and drew a man, with fire behind him (like lot leaving the city, with fire in the background) and she made him sort of like a paper doll, and made 2 sets of clothes for them to put on him too. =)~

God's presence was sooo NEAR in our morning service...that even Bro. Edwards shouted and he couldn't understand what was going on, since the service was in Spanish. We LOVE it when God makes His presence known to us in our services!

After service, one of the young men of our church, John, wanted us to give him some money so he could go to the internet cafe to get his homework done that is due Monday morning at 6:00 AM. Phillip told him that he could come home with us and use our internet for free, rather than spending money on Sunday. So, he came home with us, and we had a yummy dinner together (and he ATE AND ATE.=) Kimberly made homemade choc. chip cookies for our Sunday dessert and they were yummy! John found what he needed on the internet, and he left for his home (with some groceries that we sent with him for his family) and we and Bro. Edwards headed to our Sunday evening service. John and his family live in a SHACK, it is the most pitiful "house" you've ever seen! When it rains, it rains on their beds! We took them some sheets of metal to put on the roof, to help a little. There are sooo many needs around our churches, that we sometimes feel helpless as to HOW we can help everyone at the same time, with the little that we have. But we Thank God for the privilege to do something little for Him. We had a good service tonight and God helped us. Here, EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK you see TONS of dogs, so we decided to count dogs on the way home from church. We started late, half-way down the mountain but still counted 51 dogs before we got home. God is helping our people grow in Him. Phillip was thanking God for all He has done with our churches and people in the 15 months that we have been here. We praise Him for His help.~Kimberly and Sarah wanted to have communion this morning, but since there were some of their friends there at church that aren't really living right who wouldn't understand them not getting to take communion if our girls did, we told Sarah and Kimberly that we would give them communion at our home tonight. (for our girls are saved and are living for Jesus as much as they can and know at this time.) So, we came home and our girls had changed into their little Princes play dresses to play dress-up, and then after they played, they asked Phillip to let them have communion. So, I took this picture of those 3 having communion, Phillip reading Bible and praying with the girls, and them kneeling and praying in their princesses dresses. =) After they got done, Phillip said, "Wasn't that a special time, girls?" And Sarah giggled and said, "Yea, I want to do it again!"
We do have a VERY SPECIAL URGENT UNSPOKEN REQUEST, if you don't mind praying about it. THANKS! Trust y'all's Sunday was special too.
A beautiful report of what you are doing these days. Dad & I loved reading this tonight. Love, Mom & Dad D
Oh dear...all those dogs!!! That would freak me out!!! (more than anything else you've mentioned!)
Praying for you all!!
Very Precious!!! I really appreciate you sharing. It looks like Kimberly is becoming quite the seamstress. We are praying for you! Love you guys! Michelle J
Happy to see how much you're enjoying the sewing machine.
Harold was looking over my shoulder at the computer the other night. He was excited to see Bro.Edwards. He remembers he was an usher here in HS, and when he moved to AZ.
You are in our prayers.
That last picture is so precious! Something I'm sure the girls will never forget. We'll be praying for your special prayer request.
I made your self rising rolls last week for company and they were a hit! They are SO delicious AND a breeze to make! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. It will be one I use often.
Heather, You are always so busy. You make me tired just reading your blog I love all the things you are making. Miss and Love you all
Adorable pj's! The kids look so cute! I love the way you stay positive and busy...You "choose" to make life fun! Loved the laundry room...good job! We keep you all in our prayers...I know that God will reward you for your efforts!
What an inspiration to all of us!! It is great to see how God is using you'all!! I love the PJ' word...ADORABLE! We have your picture up on our prayer wall in the school room and try to pray for you'all often!!
just me, Becky
Once again completely amazed with your talent! I will be praying for you and your family. Also, I do believe your children are very special and have a special love and understanding of Jesus. How precious!
Very interesting post. The PJ's are adorable. So glad Bro. Edwards got to be with you and is doing better. The communion story was precious.
That picture of your girls kneeling at the couch brought back memories to me. I know I have a pictures simular to that of myself when I was about 3 years old living in Summerfield, Fla.
Enjoyed reading the report and will be praying for you all.
So glad I had a minute to read your blog. I have been so far behind. Love the pajamas and pictures of the girls praying in their princess dresses. What great memories they will carry with them as they grow up!
Oh my all those dogs! I would carry a stick!
You are such a sewing wizard. The pjs look so comfy. I need some advice. Julianna's uniform needs to be longer. I have let it out as far as it can go. I have the next size jumper but it is way too big at the top. It has darts, so taking it up becomes another matter. She does not need darts at this point of her life. If I take it in, the pockets on the side disappear. The only solution I see is to put the next size skirt on her existing uniform. Any ideas? I also wanted to let you know that the girls taking communion is so precious. We recently had communion at church and I was trying to find a way to explain it to Joseph. Julianna took care of that for me. She leaned over and said, "Joseph, we do this because Jesus loves us and we love Him. He died on the cross for us so we could go to heaven." There you have the theology of a 10 year old explained to a 3 year old in such a beautiful way. It made me cry. Of course, it does not take much to do that. Have a blessed day. I didn't mean to write a book.
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