
~We had to go back to the USA in December 2006, because we didn't have our Colombian visas yet. We had one of the most special Christmases that we ever had. Since in one month, (Dec. 18th-Jan. 17th) we visited 5 different states, and 2 different countries (Can. and the USA) I had TONS of pics to scrapbook (this week) from all the family and friends that we got to spend time with. I started Scrapbooking on Wednesday afternoon and finished on Thursday night, and the Lord helped me get 44 pages done. I scrap booked our trip back to the USA, so I've posted some of my new Scrapbook pages below for you to see. Our first stop on our trip was Miami Florida. (And that is where I slipped and fell and landed on my nose in the airport. UGH!) We had an overnight lay over, so Uncle Scott Sutherland came and picked us up and took us to their home in Hobe Sound and it was GREAT spending a few hours with their family, AND seeing the neat ocean!~

~Our Sweet Christian Nation Church family showered us with love and gifts at Christmas time, Dec. 2006. The Eckerts had a lot of the church and us over and we had a delicious snack and then they gave us our NEAT gifts. Thanks again everyone, we love being loved by ya'll! =)

~Our dear friends the Ryans. They had us over for a yummy dinner in Jan., just before we left Ohio. We always have a BLAST with the Ryans, and laugh our heads off when we are together. Before we went to the mission field, Sarah and Kimberly owned neat matching Winnie the Pooh strollers and car seats, but we couldn't bring them with us, so we sold them. OUR SARAH HAS BEEN SAD EVER SINCE AND HAS REALLY MISSED THEM! Well, the Ryans' girls had a Winnie the Pooh stroller and car seat exactly like Sarah used to have, so when we were at their house, Sarah enjoyed playing with those. (You can sort of see the stroller behind Sarah and Samantha in the pic.) Later, those 2 sweet little Ryan girls GAVE our Sarah that neat Winnie the Pooh stroller and car seat to bring back to Colombia. Sarah is THRILLED with their gift and plays with it almost daily! Thanks girls, May God richly bless you for your SWEET GIFT!~

~Our dear friends the Shirks, and the Pilmores gave our children a surprise Birthday party in Jan., and this is Noah blowing out his candles on his yummy cake that Susanna made.~

~A page of one of my DEAR friends, Roseanne Evans, and I. We have a blast when we are together. She's one of the ones that just sent us our NICE "Christmas in August!"~

~When we left for the mission field, one of the hardest things for Kimberly to leave was her doggie, Bridget. Thank the Lord, that Grandma and Grandpa D. have her in AZ, so we know that she is WELL TAKEN CARE OF!! This past January Kimberly got to see Bridget for the first time in 3 years, so it was a JOYOUS occasion.~

~This page is about our girl's first day of school last year, and it was Sarah's first day of school ever. Roseanne sent me a cute kit for School days, so I had fun making this page: using the kit she sent, adding the rope, and stickers too.~

~The guys got home safely. This morning, Bro. Edwards and Sarah were playing the game, "Candy Land" (with Sarah coaching Bro. Edwards on HOW to play it). Bro. Edwards beat and he said, "WOO HOO! I won, I'm so GLAD. I won, with hands down." It was sooo cute, Phillip and I had to laugh.~

Heather you amaze me, you do so much I don't know how you have the energy to do all you do. Looks like you are having a nice time. love amy
Wow, what a busy couple of days. Thanks for sharing your scrapbooking pages. Gives me some good ideas. I feel so special to get a page about me. haha :) You do such a great job on the pages. I don't know how you get so many done. I like the look on Kimberly's skirt. The raggy look is very cute. I glad the men are home ok, we prayed.
I've been in the scrapbooking mood too, but I don't think I did 44 pages!!! That's QUICK! And they look great! The Pilmores...I knew Susanna when she was still a "Sloan!" Our parents were friends when my Dad worked at the Rescue Mission in Ohio. Haven't seen her in about 10 years. Great post, glad the 'boys' are home safe!
Just think Heather just a few more months and you get to decorate with all the beautiful Christmas decorations you bought when you were home!!!! I loved your scrapbooking it sure brings back alot of good memories!!
Sounds like you had alot of fun while the guys were gone. All the scrapbook pages look really nice.
Wow! Your scrapbooks are awesome!
When you come back to the states you are going to have to give me some lessons:) Thanks for sharing them with us. We can't wait till you come back!
It is so neat to be able to scrapbook I really like it but just don't find the time. How do you do it? I guess with the men gone it is a little easier to do something like that but did understand right? 44 pages? That is a lot. May God bless you all and keep you in His care. Love & Prayers, Eileen
You are my hero! I always enjoy your blog so much.... you just seem to make life so interesting! Good for you! Looks like you had tons of fun scrapboooking!
Heather, I made your quick rolls and we loved them!:) Blessings on all you do this weekend!
Heather, I need all my boys to leave also so I can scrapbook 44 pages!!! I love to get on a roll like that and get alot accomplished!!
Heather, check out my new post. It has some old pics from us at Pell City on it! They sure do bring back fond memories.
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