~A few days ago, I was looking at Valorie Q.'s decorating blog, and she was talking about decorating her laundry room. Well, I left her a comment and told her that my "laundry room" was outside, so I didn't have much to decorate. Then,....I got to thinking that I had some NEAT COCA COLA things that I wanted to put somewhere, but didn't really have a place to put them. SO...I went to work (while Phillip and the men were gone,) and "decorated" my "LAUNDRY ROOM", which consists of a washer...

and a "DRYER"....that is... 6 clothes lines! My "Dryer" may not be the latest model...but I'm happy for Phillip just hung me 6 NEW clothes lines. =D

I'm happy with the "New Look" of my "LAUNDRY ROOM", and Phillip loved it too when he got home.~ =)
~When Phillip went to Ecuador last April to get our Colombian visas, he heard that some of the Ecuadorians were making a BIG FUSS saying that "Coca Cola" was making money off of what THEY are known for, the Coca leaf (the drug!) So, Coca Cola started showing their history in Ecuador and REALLY promoting Coke to sell more. They made 6 neat replicas of historical bottles. When Phillip was in Ecuador, Coke had put out the first 4 of the 6 collectible bottles that they were going to make. (The last 2 came out after Phillip left.) SAD!! =( Phillip also saw a neat poster advertising the 6 collectible bottles, and asked where he could buy one of those posters. He was told that they were not for sell to the public, but for store owners to use to advertise COKE. But, one dear man, in a store, took down his poster and GAVE it to Phillip.

~This is that neat COKE poster that some store owner gave to Phillip. I just got it framed while Phillip was gone. I took it to get it framed on Tuesday and they told me that it would be done on Saturday. Well, I began to PRAY that God would PLEASE help them get it done by Thursday night, for I wanted to have it hanging before Phillip came back from his trip. BUT YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT HERE, NOTHING GETS DONE EARLY... MOST OF THE TIME, IT'S LATE!!! So, on Thursday evening, the girls and I ran to the store just to SEE if by any chance it was done, and when I walked in, there it sat against the wall.... all DONE! Before I knew it, I had squealed with Joy right out loud, and embarrassed my Kimberly to death. =D But, I explained to the store people why I was soooo excited, and that I had prayed and soooo hoped that it would be done early, and the store people were glad that I was Happy. =) The Collectible COKE bottles are replicas of the following years:
from L. To R. in the poster:1915, 1913,1889, 1900, 1905, 1923.
Phillip was able to buy all but 2 of them, the 1900, and the 1923 ones.~

Thanks for your comment on my post. I left a comment for you there. The house looks really nice. you are very efficient in finding great uses for things. I think of ways to use "unusable" things too! :D
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments, Heather. It's about time I left you one! Isn't it great that we can take our decorating skills with us wherever we live and find creative ways to make our homes beautiful? God is using you there in Columbia -- not only to tell the Good News to others, but to bring beauty to the hearts of your husband and children. I like seeing your house. You go, girl! Have an awesome week! Love ya.
I love your laundry room - looks so very similar to mine! I'm happy for your 6 new clotheslines. I can totally understand that excitement. There's never enough clotheslines is there? At least in a household with 3 boys there never are!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Coca Cola and have a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEE collection of some VERY OLD and VERY NEW things and decorate my kitchen in that.. In January we were given yes given for free a 1978 Coca cola machine in the orig condition and in very good GOOD shape and works GREAT so I was THRILLED about that. I will post some pics on my blog when I get a chance and show ya some of what I did.. WOW that is so neat to find someone else who loves it. I got to see your inlaws friday night was such a joy to see them.. had a nice visit and was just so nice.. Also wanted to say what a cute skirt that was a few blogs down.. your so creative :) have a good week!!!
I have coke themed dishes and my morning cup of coffee is usually in one of the coke mugs:) Those fruit crates look nice and sturdy. I think they are fine the way they are but spray painting could change it up. Also I have noticed in professionaly decorated homes (mine would not qualify ha) that they use fabric to cover lamp cords or etc. It's just a tube of fabric gathered up. I love the look but I never think to do it here. Loving your blog as usual.
Heather - it was so nice to see pictures of your house and I think you are doing a great job with the decorating. I am looking forward to hearing of your Sunday events!!
I wondered what my little Miss Muffit was busy doing while quiet on the blogging scene. I was happily surprised by your creative talents at work. I laughed at Kimberly cringing at mom's outburst of joy-maybe someday she will act just like her mommy. But for sure, she will know SHE had the best mom in the whole world. Love, Mom D
Love the decor! Just try not to get thirst while doing laundry.
I told Liz that at least she only wanted to run up the hill, and didn't roller skate down it. Thanks for that dare, it gave me lots of great memories and scars.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I don't remember daring you to kill yourself and skate down a hill, but I'm sooooo sorry if I did. (I'm sure I must've, but am getting too "old" to remember! =) I trust that you have healed both from the scars and the bad memories. =)
Love, Heather =)
Very nice.. I love those old coke bottles. I wish they would remake them and sell them here!!!
You are so Creative! You are doing super with making an adorable home with whatever you can find! Proud of you, you are a Wonderful Wife & Mother to your family!
I'm convinced you can take anything to decorate with and make it cute!
Dearest Heather, This is Moma and Daddy and are visiting with Grandmother Scarbrough in TN. She and I just enjoyed your blog. She said that she has minature carton of cokes that used to be Granddaddy's and that when you come home you may have them. She enjoyed taking a peak at the home of one of her little Granddaughters that is just like her! I would say that you are her "favorte" but there are about 7 other gals out there that would fuss! :-) It is so good to be home and enjoy her pretty and clean house and good food again. Your missionary sister, Laura and her family have been close to our hearts today and they fly in from Romania. We will go on reading some of your past blogs. We both love you, GG and Moma
PS GG wants me to add that she treasures the memories of Kimberly and Sarah and their picnics in Phoenix and trips to the dollar store together.
That is right, Aunt M....GG's favorite is in SC!! I know that If GG was writing the blog that would have NOT even been mentioned! Ha! Some rivals never die!!
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