On Saturday God gave Phillip good Bible classes in his every Saturday Bible Institute and he had 4 in attendance, and a possibility of more students next week. God also gave us a great Sunday in Him! We woke up to RAIN, and I began to pray that God will please take away the rain, for I didn't want our dear Bro. Edwards walking in the rain and getting more sick. God did stop the rain and it was Sunny the rest of the day. =) YEA! I forgot to tell y'all that last week on the way down the mountain in one of the buses, the bus driver decided to RACE another bus behind him, and he was driving like a maniac, swerving around buses and cars! It was very SCARY! I was nervous (and I'm not normally nervous, for I've ridden in 100's of buses both here and in Costa Rica too)...then all of the people on the bus started yelling and told him to stop or he'd kill us! Thank the Lord, he did slow down and the rest of the ride was fine! =) Bro. Edwards felt weak Sunday morning, but wanted to go to Church anyway, so we took a taxi there, and then we prayed that God would send us a taxi afterward, for it's RARE to see an empty taxi in our area. We had a good service and God helped Kimberly teach her Sunday School class of 13 children.

Sunday night we had a good service too. Bro. Edwards took our advice and stayed home, and listened to sermons of my Daddy preaching. Thank you for praying we had a good Sunday. Sunday night, on the way home in the bus, I was thinking to myself of what I was going to make for breakfast in the morning, when Kimberly happened to mention something about the book "Green Eggs and Ham", (by Dr. Seuss) so without saying a word, that is what I fixed for breakfast, and my family and Bro. Edwards were quite surprised. (I just used green food coloring to dye the eggs! =) I served leftover quick rolls, and leftover LA Rice with the Green eggs and ham~.

~This is a cute picture I took of "Grandpa" Edwards and Noah!~

Great to hear about your Sunday! The Lord is amazing in how he chooses to bless us! Tell Kimberly that I remember when Susan used to teach SS in Crandall. I was the little Sarah sitting in the seat! I know that she is doing a fantastic job!!!
OH...I was never LITTLE...just the younger sister! ha!
Im glad all is going well for you all. We miss you very much.
Thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog ;-) you are the best
Could you please remind me of Kimberly's age? I'm so glad God answered all your Sunday requests, He is so good!
Good job Kimberly, You are doing so well with your teaching. The green eggs and ham are too funny. You're nuts Heather. Also on the below, nice job on the decorating. Everything looks great. I like the crates for storage. Looks Ikia like.
It was great to catch up and hear about your Sunday! I always look forward to hearing about your day! Great job to Kimberly!!
Kimberly, Kiana is in awe of you being able to teach a S.S. class. She said, "Mommy, why can't we be missionaries, so I can teach my own S.S. class?" "I would love to be able to teach a class!" Every week she enjoys seeing pictures of you teaching & wants to know what you taught about. :-) One day she had the answer to her teaching, she said, "Mommy, I have decided that Heather will be my mommy so I can go live in Columbia & be a missionary & teach S.S."
:-} Proud of you teaching, especially in Spanish!!
Always enjoy hearing the report from you, Heather! Your Sunday adventures should definitely be written, compiled, and saved for future publishing! Blogging is an exciting new avenue for that sort of thing, though.
I, too, wanted to comment on Kimberly's dedication to SS class. So wonderful. This morning it made me think again of a lesson we learned working w/the Makcens. It's not that the parents do this ministry, and the kids are along for the ride. They are a vital part of what you do, and you couldn't/wouldn't do it without them!
Blessings on your whole family today! You're in our prayers.
I am in awe of Kimberly. She is so mature for her age to allow God to use her as He does! What a blessing.
We are always excited to hear about your Sundays. I would love to be able to sit in on Kimberly's class. The banana muffins look so good! We are praying for you.
The banana muffins look so good. I wish I could have enjoyed them with a cup of hot tea and a good chat. I think it is so awesome that Kimberly is teaching a class. I remember teaching a Sunday school class when I was very young. I still recall studying and taking my job so seriously. She will gleam so much from the scriptures in this experience.
Heather, so enjoy your reports, and how things are going with you. I so am encouraged to hear that Kimberly teaching that is such a good exsperience for her. May God Bless you all. Love & Prayers, Eileen
We love you guys! Mom & Dad D
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