Thank you for your prayers, the Lord gave us a beautiful graduation for Noah.
~I made several loaves of banana bread to give one to each family that attended Noah's graduation. I lacked putting the last 2 loaves in the oven, and was coming back to get them, when THIS IS WHAT I FOUND!! Elijah got curious and tipped one pan over onto himself and all over the floor. It's a good thing that the Lord made him cute. HA! =)~

~When we went to the mission field I couldn't bring a lot of things with me. But, I did bring 3 Taste of Home cookbooks which my kids really enjoy looking at and I have used several times. In the back of one is a cake in the shape of a bus. Noah has looked at that cake for years and begged me to make it. So, I told him that I was going to make it for his kindergarten graduation. Here I am frosting the yellow school bus cake.~

~Sarah made this cute little bus and stop light out of sticky sticks.~

~I took what we had trimmed off of the bus cake, and made this little cake, in case I needed more cake to serve to our guests.~

~Here is the table and the finished bus cake. We used a school theme.~

~Noah was VERY happy with how the school bus cake turned out! =)~

~Noah and Elijah looking at the bus cake.~

~Our little Noah. I was trying to decide if I wanted to invite the whole church, and where we would have everyone sit in our apartment, and how to feed them all, etc. when Noah begged me not to invite many people for he would be embarrassed. =) So, we just invited a few friends.~

~While I played "Pomp and Circumstance" Noah marched down the stairs and into our home.~

~Our guests.~

~More guests.~

~Phillip made the cutest little programs that Noah passed out. (I'm sad that I forgot to take a picture of them.) They had his picture on the front and said, "Thank you for coming to my graduation." (only in Spanish) and Noah signed his name on the bottom. Inside was the program for the graduation. Here Noah is quoting Psalm 100.~

~Here Noah and Sarah are singing a song about God loving a cheerful giver in Spanish. (That you should give until it makes you laugh.) And throughout the song it says, "Ha, Ha, Ha!" So, we taught Elijah the, "Ha, Ha, Ha" part and he sang that throughout the song. It was cute. When they got done Elijah clapped really big and said, "YAY!!!" =)~

~Kimberly arranged a really cute arrangement of "Jesus Loves Even Me" on her violin and played it during the graduation. Our family also sang "House Hold of Faith" (in Spanish), but I forgot to have someone take our picture.~

~Daddy giving a little talk about homeschooling and a little devotional from Proverbs.~

~Phillip presenting with Noah his diploma.~

~Pastor Jimmy praying for Noah.~

~Our family. Congratulations, Noah, we're soooo glad that Jesus gave you to us!!~

~I served Roast and gravy, sour cream potatoes, broccoli/cauliflower/raisin salad, and I made 7 loaves of French bread and served those with butter and jam. Here Bro. Jimmy is showing you that this is his 4th helping. =)~

~A few weeks ago, as we were leaving to go somewhere, one of the kids accidently shut our front door not realizing that we didn't have our keys. Phillip went to a lock smith and asked how much it would cost to cut into the lock and he said it would be cheaper to just break the glass. So, Phillip broke the glass with a hammer. A day or two later he went to a store and ordered another piece of glass to fit in the door. (He paid a percentage down.) When he came back from Cartagena he went to pick up the glass and they didn't know anything about him ordering the glass nor paying anything down. UGH! So, after MANY trips to that store to keep asking about it, we got the glass late Friday night. But, with all the rest of the things we had to do before the graduation, we didn't get it put into the door. When Bro. Jaime (Jimmy's Dad) saw the glass he told us that after the graduation he could fix it for us. He has a lot of experience with working with glass. So, he was a BIG HELP in taking out the broken glass and attaching the new glass. Muchimas Gracias, Hermano Jaime!!~

~Noah thought it was "Feliz Navidad" with all of the gifts he got for His graduation. =)~

~Look at his cute puppy dog house shoes that Bro. Jaime and Sis. Sofia got him. =)

~Sarah saw this neat wooden motorcycle and suggested that we get it for Noah for his graduation.~

~Elijah playing with the animals Noah got. He calls them "Dragons!"~

~The neat semi carrying 2 jeeps from Bro. Jimmy, Sis. Farly, and Lady and Gaby.~

Please pray!! Phillip leaves tomorrow to fly to Argentina to "scout out the land". So far we know no one there. He felt he should go and check it out although we won't be able to go to Argentina for a few more months. God gave him a great price on his ticket. Please pray the God will guide him as to what parts to go to and will lead him to the souls that are hungry for God and for Holiness. And please pray for the kids and I here. Thank you!!