~Heather's French Bread~
I have used this recipe for about 20 years now (Whew! That makes me sound old, but it helps to know that I started making my own bread when I was 11. =) using this recipe for my bread business too. It's easy, light and YUMMY! I love this recipe because it makes 4 (20 oz.) loaves, so I can give one or two away, serve one for supper, and freeze another one for later! =)
Microwave for 2 mins:
1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon sugar
1 Tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons salt
4 Tablespoons marg. or butter (half of stick)
2 cups water
After pulling bowl out of microwave, stir to make sure butter melted, then add:
2 cups warm water
(CORRECTION) 2 packages of yeast, or 1 HEAPING Tab. or 2 Tablespoons of yeast.
6-8 cups flour
Mix up and you will need to knead in the last cup or so of flour, and cover and let rise for 45 mins. then divide dough into 4 equal parts. Roll out each on a floured surface and into a rectangle and then roll from side to side into a jelly roll and place seam down on a greased pan (cookie sheet) tucking the 2 ends under. Slice about 5 slices diagonally half way through the loaf with a serrated knife, and brush with oil, and let rise for 45 mins. Repeat with the other 3 sections of dough. Bake at 350 for 25 mins. or so, (maybe more) until the tops are golden, and when you tap on the loaves they sound hollow. After you take the bread out put them on cooling racks and brush tops with butter. It's hard to explain bread recipes by writing them out, so if you have any questions, just leave a comment, and I'll try to answer your questions. I serve this just room temp on a cutting board, with soft butter, and everyone slices their own, like you would get at a restaurant, or buttered and then heated in aluminum foil, or buttered and laid on a pan and toasted in the grill part of my oven for breakfast. YUM! YUM!
Also, here is a fun Sunday night snack using this French bread.
~French Bread with bacon, tomatoes, and cheese~
Cut a loaf of baked French bread in half longways and place on a cookie sheet, cut sides up.
Butter each half of the bread.
Mix together:
3 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 teasp. mustard
1 teasp. Worchestershire sauce
and spread on top of the 2 halfs.
Top with crumbled pre-fried bacon, grated cheese, and diced tomatoes
Bake until cheese melts at 350, then bring out and slice in 2 " pieces and serve.
Mix up a batch of French bread today, set the table, smell the wonderful aroma of homemade bread, call your family around and Enjoy! =)