~The other day...our kids and I were happy to find these hand blown glass pumpkins at our mall and just had to buy them to use with our fall decorations. Most of the people here have never even seen an orange pumpkin (unless it was painted or a picture of one that has been carved for halloween) so I'm glad to have these to show them the kind of pumpkins that we are used to having in the USA. We're happy with our 2 orange glass pumpkins that won't rot! =)~
~On Friday evenings our girls' teacher Adriana comes to our house and teaches them violin and piano. Last Friday evening their friend Paula was also at our house. So, I decided to make up some choc. cupcakes to let the kids decorate them. Adriana even helped put the icing on top, and was LOVING watching the kids. She told me that she is 37 and has NEVER been around someone who has baked or decorated cakes like that. She said that the Colombian ladies do not know how to bake. (They are very good cooks though.)~
This past Sunday Elijah and I stayed home for we are both fighting a cold and I didn't think that going up into the mountains where it is even colder and being out in the rain in the RAINY season would help our colds any. My family said that God gave good services both services yesterday. Juan Martin and his family joined my family at church and then came to our house for Sunday dinner and for a snack after church. I was a very blessed lady yesterday...for the MEN did the dishes after both meals. WOW! I hardly knew what to do with myself...having my kitchen cleaned without me in there. HA! It was nice. I took a picture of "The men at work" so that I would have proof, and wouldn't think I was just dreaming. HA!~
This past Friday night our kids and Paula were out in front of our house playing...when 3 men went RUNNING by them at a very fast speed. Then...came a police man running after them yelling..."Catch them". A few minutes later the police man came back with one of the men, the others had escaped. We aren't sure what they had done, but it was sort of unnerving since they ran down our street. =(
I hope that y'all had a wonderful Lord's day.
Enjoyed your new pictures so m uch! I also loved the pictures of Elijah...So neat that you are creative and continue to do "milestone" pics in Columbia! :) What a great Mommy you are!
Thanks for the updates and photos! Hope you and Elijah are feelng better!!
That's great!! My policy at home is "I cook, you clean" or "You can help me cook, and I'll help clean." =) Of course, Bryan can usually take the option to just go home instead... but not usually. :)
I wish it were cooler here.. it's going to be mid 80's this week. Not good for fall/winter clothes. :(
I had to write and tell you that the washday pics of Elijah are darling. Do send them to J and J!!
Also, I had to tell you something neat! (I'm the anon that sent you the pumpkin muffin recipe and told you about that time that I wanted to know where Philip Brown's mother got her turtleneck.) So, ever since then, I've been praying that the Lord would allow me to find such a feminine turtleneck that was sleeveless (I'm always hot, so I can't wear a regular turtleneck underneath a sweater). So, tonight, I was online at cjbanks.com and they have exactly what I was praying for in the exact color I needed. Add to that - it's on sale AND I have a gift card!! The Lord has granted a desire, and I'm very thankful.
So, call me the ruffled turtleneck lady - who always asks about that dear girl who was hurt on the rebar. I just don't know why I can't stop thinking about her. I always remember that and feel especially for her.
"So, I just ran to the bakery...." I need to just run to the bakery a mile away like you did-while YOU need to be resting. I know your company loves coming to your house where they get to do 'arts and crafts', and eat neat things, and have wonderful fellowship with you guys. Bless you for your genuine hospitality! Love, Mom D
Very good pics.. So good to see your all well and healthy. Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating this season that GOD has given to us!! Blessings and prayers on your family!
Hi, Heather! We've never met, but I have an odd request for you :-) My mom bought a shirt for your mom (at her request) and now has no address to send it to! Could you please post a comment on my blog with your mom's current address? Thanks!
Love,love, love your blog. I'm so glad everyone is able to keep up with you and the family happenings. The pics are always adorable. love you tons
So nice that the men helped clean...I noticed that one of them was on the phone... hahaha... very much like another man I know. :) Those cupcakes look wonderful!
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