Wednesday, July 24, 2024

~I'm going to be a GRAMMY SOON, and playing catch-up with lots of fun pics!~

Warning: info and pic OVERLOAD!  ENJOY!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Please Pray for Sarah and baby (and Josh too.)~ 

She is to be induced near the end of this month.  

I'm just DAYS away from getting to be a Grammy....

and I'm soooo E!X!C!I!T!E!D! <3

~All Ready for when the times comes to run to the hospital!! I can just see that adorable baby girl sitting in that car seat. <3 ~

There is absolutely no way I can catch y'all up to all we have been doing recently.  I cannot even remember myself!  Hee! Hee!, 
But I will try! :-)

~Our Sweet Elijah is a born leader!  Kids love him, because he takes time for them.  In May he turned 16.  I invited several friends over and they had a very activity-FUN-filled day!

~My Sweet niece Brittany and her adorable Natalie came to visit us over Memorial Day week! We had so much fun!

~Phillip has been renovating Josh and Sarah's bathroom...and is still fervently trying to get everything done before baby comes!  PRAYERS appreciated! 

~Our family took 3 days to have "Staycation" and do some mostly free things around our area.  We had so much fun!

~Phillip and I got to go away to a cabin nearby and celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary!  (We rarely spend any money on get-aways, but thanks to a tax return, we decided to take some time for just US.)  

~The kids and I went up for a couple days and helped Josh and Sarah with their VBS.  They always do a great job with their Vacation Bible Schools!!

~We had a missionary service at a local Church on Sunday AM.
Then found out that our dear friends Trint and Janette Castle and family from AZ, 
were "in the area," and were coming to worship with us that night at our new church! YAY!
We invited them to spend the night, 
and we had a blast being together! 

~My Sweet Daddy and Moma came to be with us for Father's Day!

~God and some dear friends helped us get A/C in our house again! 
4 summers ago, our A/C went out in our home!  
It was the summer of Sarah's wedding, and so a wedding was 
The Next Summer it was Kimberly's wedding!
The next summer, it wasn't an option financially.
This summer, God had a Christian Central Air man give us an UNREAL price on central air, 
and then some Dear friends contacted us, and paid for it! 
It is a MIRACLE From GOD, and we are still rejoicing!!!

 ~I took the kids to Pilgrim Youth Camp this year for the first time!  We loved it and God's Sweet presence was very close!  A huge plus was getting to be with 
Josh and Sarah and the Stampers!

~Of course, all along, we have been ministering to our people at 
Strait Creek Christian Nation Church 
every Thursday and Sunday night.  
Singing specials, 
Phillip preaching, and 
enjoying God's sweet presence!
We open the windows so we get a little breeze in our Old Country Church, look out into the cornfields, 
and sing and praise Jesus together! 
Us ladies take turns to provide snacks for after church.  
(It just must be a "country thing!" 
We love to stand on the steps outside our little church and fellowship over some simple snacks.
It might be just simply sharing a pack of storeboughten cookies together, and sharing about our week, but it's bonding 
and we love it. 

~We got to have Hobe Sound's quartet, with our dear nephew Bryan Hausman singing bass, to our little church.

~Since Phillip was asked to be the Prayer Leader for 
Camp Victory in VA, we got to take our family and go to that camp for our 3rd year in a row!
~The day before Camp Victory, we got to go visit my brother Andrew and his wife Vonnie and see 
the beautiful house they built in VA. 

Like our Dear Comargo Camp coming up Aug. 5-11
Camp Victory is a wonderful FAMILY camp!!

It is filled with God's presence, PRAYER, Great God-inspired preaching, Good Holiness singing, children's meetings that make our kids want to draw closer to Jesus, youth meetings that help our youth to want to go the Holiness Biblical way, delicious food, 
and wonderful Christian Fellowship!

~We girls got to help Sis. Eisenhart put on a couple bridal showers.

~We have also tried to help some to get ready for Comargo Camp!

Now, I will share some pics from these and other activities. 
~Isaiah's graduation.~

Elijah turned 16 and wanted to have some boys over to hang out for the day!  
They had a royal blast~

~Abigail invited Raegan over to play.~

~Phillip went to Lowe's and got some 25' plastic and put it 25 feet above the road.  
The kids had a blast sliding, and some of them slid all the way down to the road.
~I love this adorable pic of Abigail with a watermelon and 
Sarah with her adorable baby bump.~

~My Afterchurch snack for Memorial Day.~
~Brittany and Natalie visit!  
Phillip took us on a fun ride using the tractor his dear Daddy gave him.
We absolutely loved having them visit us!! <3 
~We love adorable Natalie to pieces!!~
~Memorial Day~

~On our Staycation we climbed Buzzard's Roost...a nice hike in Adam's County. 
Kimberly, who was 5 months pregnant then,  joined us. 

~This a picture of what we climbed.~
~On our Staycation, The kids wanted to go to "50's Freeze" on Route 50 to play putt-putt and 
then get some of their ice cream.~

We went and hiked some in Hocking Hills! So Neat!

~Phillip and I leaving for our Anniversary get-away.
Thanks to a tax refund, we got to have a few days away.~
~There were so many fun details and goodies awaiting us at the cabin.~
~Walking downtown Hillsboro.~
~Little tea sets we got at a yard sale.~
Still enjoying our Hubby / wifey cups from Janie.~
~Abby's Place moved in to Peebles 2 years ago.  
We decided to try it out for the first time and take our date there. 
Pretty yummy, cheap, and great service.~

~Josh and Sarah's VBS!~
~Heather, Mindy, and Sarah and her adorable baby bump.~
~Josh telling the story of David and Goliath.~

~The Lord always helps Josh and Sarah with their VBS's.  They do a great job coming up with great themes, telling the stories, singing the songs, coming up with outdoor activities and yummy snacks.~

~The Castles come to visit.~
~It was awesome having our friends the Castles come and worship with us and hang out with us for a few hours.~

~Sweet Kimberly, and our dear friends Trint and Janette, and us~

~The kids and Phillip picked fresh berries and Mary made yummy jam.~
~My Sweet Daddy and Moma come to see us for Father's Day.~ 
~On Friday evening Gramp was going to take us out to Ponderosa.  
Chris and Kimberly were going to join us.  A few minutes after they walked in, 
JOSH AND SARAH surprised us half to death and walked in!!  
It was soooo fun to be together.  (all except Elijah and Mary who were at a birthday party.)
~Baby bumps.  These sweet babies will be 13 weeks apart, Lord willing.~
~Father's Day~

~It was a privilege to have Daddy speak in our Church.~
(Just as Mary went to take this pic, 
a car drove by, so we all waved. :)

~Gramp and Gram and the grands, and even the "great grand baby bump!"

~I made blueberry muffins for the snack that night.~
~We pulled out some chairs to sit and relax after church that evening.~
~Pilgrim Youth Camp!~
We missed Noah going to youth camp with us this year, but Elijah was an excellent chauffeur!  
We have been wanting to try PYC for a few years, so finally got to go. 
It was a wonderful youth camp filled with excitement, God's sweet presence, intense games, Christian fellowship, yummy food, great music, and God-anointed preaching! ~
~This was the cutest video ever.  They took this at PYC to use.
Here, I just took some screenshots of the BEFORE...
~And After ...of Josh holding a volleyball, with Sarah holding her baby bump. :-) ~
~Elijah's picture for PYC.~
~Josh and Sarah~
~It was fun sitting with Josh and Sarah and seeing her baby bump.  Josh and Sarah were team captains again this year. ~
~They did such a great job with the theme this year!  CHOICES!!!
And God really helped Bro. Fulton!!!!!
~I enjoyed timing the Bible Bowl~
~Maren and Mary!  Our kids were so happy that the Spivey kids got to come too!~
~I enjoyed working in the kitchen with Mrs. Raines.~
~Abigail, Macie, Ariana, and Kelsey.~
~Yours truly, Sarah, and my nephew Bryan.~
~The Athens Youth Camp Crew, and Maren.~
~I snapped this adorable pic of Sarah ordering at the snack bar.~

~Elijah got camper off the year for his team.  It was fun to have Tovie and Germayne Blackcalf for his team captains.~ 
~Josh and Sarah and their campers of the year.~
~Elijah's team.~
~Josh and Sarah's team.~
~Mary's team.~

~Elijah getting ready to play ball.~

~Elijah is to the left of the kid in the red hat.~
~Elijah hitting.~

~You can see me behind the fence yelling for the Stars!  
They were getting skunked something like 0-20, but then they came back and won 27-26!~
~Sarah and I.~
~Abigail LOVES her cousin Bryan.~
~It was so fun to get with my sweet cousin Christa!!!  It was so fun catching up with her! I had no idea that she lived like right around the corner from PYC.
~Heather & Sarah~
~Josh & Sarah! I have no clue how Sarah made it being a team captain during that Hot week.~
~Hobe Sound Quartet singing.~
~Our Bryan singing bass.  God really used them that night!  God's presence settled down soooo sweetly!!!
~Adorable little Natalie came to see her Uncle Bryan sing.~

~Baby bump.~
~Helping Sis. Eisenhart clean up the dinning room for Camp.~
~June 27th, the Hobe Sound Quart (HSBC) came to our house and to sing to our new little Church. 
It was so fun to have them and of course having our nephew Bryan here was the icing on the cake!

We also got to know and love adorable Kayla!
~These 2 cool cousins are just 7 months apart.~
~Silly Kayla and Mary.~
~The quartet and Bro. Fields.~
~Sweet girls with matching cones.~
~God's sweet presence was so close during their service.~

~Kayla, Mary, and Klarissa!  
It was sooo fun having the Stampers join us that night! ~
~Josh and Sarah brought up a group from their church as well to hear the quartet!  It was so nice to have everyone!!  

Our highest record attendance in our new church so far was 29.
So, we were working toward and praying toward a higher number that night.
Praise Jesus there were 50 us, and 7 different churches were represented!~

~I think that we had 29 to our house that night for a snack. So fun!~
~The next morning Phillip ran to the hospital early to pray with Bro. and Sis. Fields, before Bro. Fields had surgery.  I was getting ready and after brunch we were going to leave to go to IL, for Scott and Emma's wedding.
So, I grabbed Mary and Kayla to put together my parfait.  They did a great job.  
~One more pic before they hit the road.  
We had soooo much fun having HSBC here!
~Scott and Emma's Wedding.~

Megan Durst and myself.
~RaeQuelle, Phillip and I.~
~Zack, Bro. Becker, Bro. Carter, and Phillip.~
~Scott & Emma~
~Our Dear Friends, Jim & Lila Kemp celebrated 50 wonderful years!!  
It was so fun to go and help the celebrate!!!!
We have loved them to pieces ever since we met them way 
back in AZ days.

~Lucas, Natasha, and Eva surprised us and showed up at CNC to hear 'Tasha's brother Bryan sing.  
Eva is so adorable.~
~Chris & Kimberly, Natasha and Lucas.~

~My 4th of July tablescape.~
~Phillip was away on 4th of July, and we got rained out, but had a fun "picnic" at home.~

~Phillip got back that afternoon shortly before our Thursday evening service.
Uncle Bill pulled up just minutes later!  
It was so nice to have Uncle Bill here with us for a couple days!

~Bryan Family~
~It was so fun getting to go see Andrew and Vonnie and their adorable new home that Andrew built.  
It was Awesome that it worked out to have a "Bryan Family Reunion" minus Sweet Daddy and Moma, and Keith's Natalie, who had to work, our older kids, those who live in AK, and D & L's kids.
But, that was awesome getting as many of the 49 of us together.
Sarah, Heidi, and Kimberly are expecting babies, and there is another wedding this year, so it will soon be 53! WOW!
~L to R: 
Vonnie Sankey married to my oldest brother Andrew, 
Lyn Hurt married to my brother Lincoln, 
and Laura.~

~The 4 Bryan children.~
R to L:
Andrew, the oldest
& Heather, the baby. ;-)
~The front of Andrew and Vonnie's Adorable house that Andrew built! 
They built it like a 150 year old farm house!
So Nice!
And you can sit on their front porch and look across...
this relaxing field!


Like I mentioned above, Phillip was asked to be the Prayer Leader at Camp Victory again this year. 
We were so glad that we could go again. 
It was is one of the highlights of our year! 

It was great to have Bro. Jeremy Fuller, He was anointed and used by God.
The Rodney Loper Family did a great job singing, 
and Bro. Loper did youth in the afternoons and did such an outstanding job.
And Dr. Paul Kaufman did a tremendous job with the Bible studies.
~Bro. David Spivey is a great leader.~
~It was awesome being with there DEAR friends right here!  Oh, the laughs we have when we are together!  Love them all to pieces!~

~Faith, Laura, and I enjoyed coffee out one day.  It was so nice to have a heart-to-heart chat while sipping something yummy.~

~It was so nice to have Daryl and Laura there for part of camp.~
~This was the VICTORY WALK that happened nearly every morning at prayer meeting.  Our dear friend Bro. David is fighting cancer.  He would walk around and pray and his grandkids would follow him.  Melted my heart!!

~Phillip and I took 3 seconds to sit on the hill and visit one day, and Abigail came behind me and asked for my camera.  
She said something like, "I must take a picture of y'all!
I have never seen y'all sit together like this. " :-D
~The Lord helped Phillip as he gave it His all to be the Prayer Leader at Camp Victory.~

~It was so NICE to have Noah take off work to be with us for Camp Victory!!~

~Hannah, Maren, and Mary.~
~Grayson, Elijah, Elliot and Isaiah.~

~It was so Nice having my dear Brother Andrew come to nearly every evening service!  He and Vonnie came together on Saturday evening, and he and Vonnie, Maverick, and Lilly came on Sunday morning.~
~Bro. Jeremy Fuller and Andrew getting to meet.~
~As a family, we try to "be all there" and help wherever we go.~
Stewart and Mary doing dishes.
~Caden and Elijah~
~Keegan and Noah~
~Camp Victory has yummy food!  Jody and her crew do a great job!~
~Bryan treated us and we had a blast being together this day.~
~It was great having UBC, and our Sarah's sis-in-love, Katie Stamper with us. (on your right.)
Jesus really used them.
~My Noah and I.~

~God came several times.  Camp Meeting would not be anything if it weren't for the SWEET PRESENCE of Jesus Christ bathing our services.~

~Hannah and Mary~
~Daniel Kuhns and I.~

~The Slippy Slide pics.~
~Elijah went way down into the grass.~
~Mary and Kaylee crashed.~
~Noah, Keegan, and Caden.~
~Elliot and Elijah, Great buds.~

~It was so fun to Andrew, Vonnie, Maverick, and Little Lilly with us Sunday morning.~

~The Children's program was so good.  Jeremy and Esther did a great job.~
~Visiting with dear friends.  We love the Spiveys to pieces as well.~

~And of course, if you do not take time to do laundry during camp meeting, 
this is what faces you when you get home.  :-0
~Rosie and Jeremiah~
~Rosie and Jeremiah from PA came to see their Brother Chris and our Kimberly.
We invited them over for brunch and games.
It was fun to be with them some while they were here.

~The girls and I helped Sis. Eisenhart with Berenice's cowgirl bridal shower.~

~The cutest cow girl there...
~Along with this cutie!!~
~Kinsley and I had matching boots.~
~Friday found our family helping at Comargo Camp.~
~Then swimming in our neighbor's pool that evening.~
Rosie, Mary, and Abigail.~
~Elijah and Jeremiah.~
~We met Chris, Kimberly, Rosie, and Jeremiah at Blake's Pharmacy in West Union, OH.  
They have 40 CENT ice cream scoops there!   Amazing!
~Strawberry shortcake on top and buckeye on the bottom.~. YUM!

~Chris and Kimberly's baby is due at the end of October.~

Thank you for your prayers for Josh and Sarah as 
baby is to make her appearance soon!!

Thank you for stopping by to catch up with our lives.
Let us stay on our knees and stay close to Jesus.
Now is NOT the time to see how close we can get to the world,
But it's time to see how CLOSE we can get to Jesus!

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