Monday, June 3, 2024

~Revival at our New Church Plant, Strait Creek Christian Nation Church, Mother's Day, & our missionary service in Shelbyville.~

 Whew!  Summer isn't technically here yet, and we are already so busy! :-). 

Between mission work and travels, and our new little church plant, finishing up school for this year, and having 2 daughters expecting babies soon, we are meeting ourselves coming and going. 

Tuesday, April 23rd thru Sunday, April 28th, 2024 we opened our little Strait Creek Christian Nation Church (SCCNC) with special services!  Our highest number that week was 29! 

God met with us in a special way every night.  On Thursday night his presence was so close that several of us were crying.  It was like you could reach out and touch Him!!

We were so Thankful to the ones that came and supported our special week of services!

We so appreciate your continued prayers for this little "Plant of God's Planting!"  How we long for God to use this little church in our community here.

Here are lots of pictures for you to enjoy!

~One Man's Faithfulness~

Dear Bro. Fields kept this church open, coming Alone to worship every Sunday morning for 15 years! 

God isn't done with Strait Creek Church! 

Elijah climbed the hill to take this neat pic after the first service that night.~

~Mary and Abigail decorating Church cookies to pass out that first night.~

~The first night...Tuesday night~
~There were 29 in attendance that first night.  
After Church Bro. Fields told Pastor Eisenhart and Phillip that about a month ago, he stood behind this pulpit and asked God to fill up the church again for him. 
He got all teary-eyed and said, "He did it again for me tonight!" 

~The Jason Susan family sang for us that first night.~
~It was wonderful to have our dear Pastor Carl Eisenhart to preach for us that first night.  This was only the 3rd time he had preached since his heart attack in November!  How we Thank GOD for sparing His life!~

~I had 18 in that night for a quick snack.~
~Simple root beer floats, pinwheels, and a cream cheese and salsa dip with chips.~

~Wednesday night~
Pies we made for the snack afterwards.

~It was a privilege to have our dear friends Steve and Kelly Harvey with us that evening.~
~Chris and Kimberly sang the first special.~
~It was so fun to sing with Kelly again for the 2nd special.~
~We sang the 3rd special.~
~Jesus helped Steve preach on the Cross.~
~Our boys!  I cannot believe how big our children are getting!  I love all of our children to pieces!
"I have NO GREATER JOY than to know that my Children walk in truth."~
~Sweet Mrs. Fields brought yummy cupcakes.~
~It was fun visiting with our dear friends, the Harveys.~

~Josh and Sarah came late Wednesday night, after their own service.  It was so fun to have them with us on Thursday and Friday, and to attend our services with us!
Here the kids and Josh are walking to the creek.~

~Kimberly, Sarah, Mary, and Abigail decorating more Church cookies to pass out that night.~
~Thursday Night~
Mrs. Fields does such a great job keeping the front of the church looking so nice with pretty flowers!
~The girls did such a great job on these cookies.  It was their first time to "flood" cookies like this.  It gave them great practice for Sarah's baby shower cookies. ~

~It was so nice to have Scott Biberstein sing for us that night.~
~And it was so sweet to sing with my Kimberly and Sarah again.~
Sarah is due end of July, and Kimberly is due end of October.
~The Lord helped Bro. Henderson speak that night on God's calling on His life!~
~My Girls~
~Dear Bro. Jackson came, and we enjoyed worshipping with and visiting with him.~

~I had fun having a bunch of guests over that night was well.~

~It was so nice to have Chet and Brooke Waters over, along with our friends the Satterfields, and all of those that came from our CNC.~

~I served Banana splits for dessert.~

~Friday night~
The kids ringing the Church bell for Service.
~It was so nice to have Bro. Mike Kline there to preach for us.~
~And Andy and Brittany Kline and family to sing for us.~

~Eva and Mary~
~Mrs. Naomi Kline brought the yummiest dessert bars for us to enjoy.~
~On Saturday afternoon, I served supper to 19 people before church.
~Kimberly made the yummy fruit cobbler and Sis. Fields brought the ice cream.~

~Saturday Night~

~We were privileged to have Bro. Steve Mills preach for us.~
~Stephanie Ryan sent me these 4 pics.~

~It was so nice to have Rob Ryan lead singing for us on Friday night.~

~It was nice having the Rob Ryan family sing for us on Friday night.~

~The Lord helped Bro. Mills as he preached.~
~Dear Sis. Fields brought in Sandwiches for us to eat outside.~
~I asked these men if I could get their picture in front of the church.
L to R: Bro. Satterfield, Bro. Paulus, Phillip, Bro. Becker, Bro. Fields, Bro. Mills, and Bro. Ryan.~

~Pastor Phillip and I, & Bro. and Sis. Fields.~
~Rebekah, Mary, and Jessica.~
~The guys spotted a Bob Cat out in the field.~
~My good friend Stephanie and I.~
~Dear Sweet Sis. Fields and Stephanie and I.~
~Stephanie brought me this yummy soap for a hostess gift.~
~I took this pic on Sunday A.M. at our CNC church.  These 5 sweet girls have been friends forever.~
~Sunday night at Strait Creek Christian Nation Church.~
~Our family sang that night.~
~Pastor Phillip preached on Sunday night.~

~At the first of the week, Elijah had teased Bro. Fields that by Sunday night we would have spaghetti for a snack.  So, with Elijah coaxing me, I went and got some cans of Spaghetti O's and put them in a crock pot, Kimberly provided grapes, and Sis. Fields made a yummy fruit salad, and a banana pudding, and we had us a little picnic outside after church Sunday evening.

~I knew my Moma would be so pleased with me for having a centerpiece.  :-) 

~All In all, God gave us a wonderful week of special services to open up Strait Creek Christian Nation Church!  
Our numbers are small right now, but God is meeting with us, and for that we praise Him!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

My Sweet Mother's Day weekend!
Sweet Noah went to the Lunch Bucket 
(a fun deli and cafe' on Route 28, owned by his Boss and family) 
and bought me their Mother's Day special! 
When I saw their advertisement, I had wondered if he would get this for me...
but then by the time he walked in with it, 
I was so Surprised!
~Such a yummy coffee and fun flowers!~

~The night everyone saw the Northern Lights, I was so disappointed that the kids and I didn't see them.  I have seen them before in Alaska, but wanted our kids to see them.  

Everyone said to take a pic, so I did, but silly me, I forgot to look at my picture that I took, til 2 days later!  :-)
Sure enough, there on my camera was the purple and pink sky that others had seen.~
~Our sweet family on Mother's day.  
We were missing Josh, Sarah, and baby.~
~Our Dear Pastor's wife always does an amazing job on our Mother's Day gifts! This year was no exception!  Beautiful flowers and a fun glass with a glass straw, with our names on the glass. ~

~Noah, Elijah, Mary, & Abigail learned a sweet song to sing for us Mother's at our Strait Creek CNC.~
~Kimberly brought the yummiest blueberry lemon cake over for Mother's Day dinner.~
~Chris, Kimberly, & baby got me this adorable cup that says, "Best Grammy Ever!!"~

~Josh, Sarah, & baby got me this gorgeous huge white bowl (and a neat sign, which I will post later.)
~The kids singing their Mother's Day song to us at SCCNC~

~Wednesday, May 15th, we went to Shelbyville, IN for a missionary service.  
We were delighted to get to be there with our dear friends, and delighted to have my parents join us as well.~

~Gram's sweet hand holding Abigail's.~
~I got to hold Grace's new little baby.~ 
~Sis. Smith and ladies always put on such a yummy spread.~
~We had such a nice visit that night.~

~Our kids enjoyed playing in the gym after church.~
~Working on finishing up our schooling for this year.~
~Our Elijah turns 16.~
I absolutely cannot fathom that my "baby boy" is 16!  Where in the world does time go?
He enjoyed going back to Eden park to take this pic.  Eden park was super close to our Cinci house, so it brought back loads of memories. 

As a family we took him on a picnic and let the guys go disc golfing (A free activity, which is basically throwing frisbees into a basket)
and then later we had a friend party here at our house.  
Pics of that coming later. 
~We enjoyed driving down cave road to get to the park in Bainbridge where we had our picnic.

~We just love these trees!  Reminds us of Flagstaff, AZ.~

~Elijah giving a piggy-back-ride to a tired Abigail.~

~The girls and I had fun helping Grammy Eisenhart and Aunt Nesi throw a tea party bridal shower for 
Scott Biberstein's fiancee, Emma.~

~Mary wore the dress that her Gram (my Mother) had made for herself when I was just a little girl.~

~Abigail enjoyed helping Aunt Nesi set the pretty tables.~

~Abigail wore my wedding hat, 
I wore the hat that I wore in Kelly Harvey's wedding, 
and Mary wore her dress made by Gram.~
~Dear Sis. Eisenhart and Sweet Emma.~
~The food, tea, and coffee were all so delicious!~

Thanks for stopping by!  
Keep encouraged in Jesus!  
Our Associate Pastor Paul Pilmore told us today that according to some stats, only 10% of Americans are reading their Bibles daily now!  Scary!
Let's keep in God's Word, and share it with a hurting World!


Anonymous said...

So happy the Lord is moving on Strait Creek!!! What a beautiful church!!! So thankful for all the one helping out!! All of your blog was a delight!!!! Everything was beautiful!!! Praying for the work there!!! We love you all tons!! Lila

The Dickinsons said...

Dearest Lila, Thank you so much for your sweet comment! We were so glad for Jesus' help and others that helped as well. It was such a special week of services. God is helping us and meeting with us. We're small, but where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, there He is in the midst of them. Love y'all!

Carol said...

That church piano is gorgeous for it's age! What an amazing musical treasure! Prayers for you from western PA.

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