Saturday, October 30th, we held a Celebration in honor of Daddy and Mom's 60th Wedding Anniversary!
WOW!!! Thank you, Dear Jesus, for Giving Daddy and Moma 60 Wonderful Years!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In January 2011, just 5 months before they would celebrate their 50th Anniversary,
we all got together, got pictures taken together and went out to eat...
but we did not get to throw a big shindig since it was 5 months too early.
(Because after these pics, our family headed back to Colombia.)
~2011..., nearly 50 years together~!
Janie Eisenhart took our pics at the Taft Museum in Cincinnati, OH.
In the top window on the right, in what is now the Taft Museum,
is where Daddy asked Moma to marry Him.
~Daddy and Moma, 4 Kids and their 4 Mates,
and 17 Grandchildren. (Abigail wasn't born until 2014.)
A Total of 27 of Us in 2011.~So, you see we were on the mission field when Daddy and Moma celebrated their 50th, so we did not get to have a big family celebration for them.
(Their dear church family at the Union Friends Church in Westfield, IN, did a nice 50th celebration for them in our place.
Daryl and Laura and family got to be there to celebrate with them.)
As my brother Andrew put it, Daddy and Moma have survived A LOT since their 50th.
Moma had a Stroke in 2013,
Daddy Falling 6' off a ladder November 2019,
A possible Heart attack and then Stints put into Daddy's heart
Aug/Sept. 2020
then he nearly died of infection afterwards, etc.
So, we are very Thankful to GOD that we got to celebrate their 60th and honor and show our love to them!
How we appreciate their Godly lives and their Faithfulness to Serve Jesus and Love each other for 60 Wonderful Years!
They still Flirt with each other, and I Love it!!!
Daddy and Moma are the BEST!!!!
~Daddy and Moma in front of her Wedding dress.~~Moma told us the story of her wedding dress.~
She said that she bought it from her Hometown TN friend and later GBS roommate, Betty Allen Winter for $50, and Tucked it into her cedar chest until she would need it.
It had a boat neck. When she got engaged she found a teacher at GBS named Miss Brock who took in the neck, took out the zipper, and put little tiny buttons all the way down the back.
Moma said she paid that lady $5.00. :-)
The day before Moma was to wear her gown on her wedding day, Her mother-in-law, My Grandma Bryan, was ironing it for her, and found a tear near the bottom. They all were trying to figure out what to do, and how to hide it. Grandma told Moma that she would just trim it off, and no one would ever know, so that is what they did.
(Incidentally, my Man who is a very Detailed person, DID NOTICE something different about the bottom of her dress while he was steaming Her dress for this occasion. He wondered what had happened, and found it interesting when I told him that they had had to trim it off.)
(Some have commented how our Noah reminds them a little bit of Daddy.)
~The Original 6 of us!
Daddy and Moma, Andrew (middle), Lincoln (far right), Laura, and the Blondie Heather
And the Original 6 of us Now.
L to R: Andrew, Lincoln, Daddy, Moma, Laura, and Heather.
~And with our mates.
Andrew and Vonnie, Lyn and Lincoln, Daryl and Laura, Heather and Phillip
Daddy and Moma.
~The Bryan Family~
A Lot has changed since 2011...
We now consists of:
Daddy and Moma,
Original 4 children, plus our mates,
18 Grandchildren,
plus 8 of them now have mates, making it
26 Grandchildren
& 7 Great Grandchildren
For a Grand Total of :
43 of us
There were 27 of us At the 60th Celebration!
In this picture below,
We were missing 16 of us.
Lincoln's Keith and Natalie and their 4 children,
Lincoln's Kelsea and Gary in AK,
Andrew's Drew, Hannah, and their little boy, Edgar A. Bryan IV in AK,
Andrew's Tyler (Twin to Taylor) also in AK,
Laura's Natasha and Lucas in FL, and
their Darla who was on Choir Tour with
Hobe Sound Bible College,
and our Joshua.)
~Andrew and his family, that were there, with Gramp and Gram~
~Our family (missing Josh) and Gramp and Gram.~
I was fixing to request that they get their pictures, when someone else requested that we take the original 4 children with Daddy and Moma and we moved across the room and I forgot!!! :-(
~Daddy put out some of his books for each guest to feel free and take one. ~
~Dear Phillip spent hours steaming Moma's wedding dress! Since his brother-in-law Daryl now lives way down in FL , and Phillip does not get to see him often, He enjoyed visiting with Daryl while steaming Moma's dress. ~Moma was a Beautiful Bride.~
~Right before I left the house, I saw this sign that said, "Antiques" and thought it would be appropriate since Daddy and Moma are 78 1/2 and 79.
Definition of Antique: A collectible work of art that has a HIGH VALUE because of its
considerable age. :-)
{I was mainly thinking of the HIGH VALUE part!!!}
~My oldest brother Andrew was the master mind behind all of this.
He and Lincoln did such a great job planning it all.
Laura and I just showed up and decorated.~
~My Dear Brother Lincoln.~
~My sweet sister Laura visiting with Daddy and Moma.~
~Moma is the oldest child and Uncle Carson is the baby.
How they MISS Pop Pop, GG, and Dear Aunt Carole!!!~
~I love this picture of Uncle Dan telling a story and Uncle Carson howling laughing!!~
~Uncle Dan was trying to figure out what to do with his they told him to put it over his heart....
~We were soooo HAPPY to have Uncle Dan and Uncle Carson and Aunt Linda come!!
Daddy and Moma, Uncle Dan and Aunt Carole, and Uncle Carson and Aunt Linda have been VERY CLOSE FRIENDS FOR YEARS!!!!
(I'm sure Aunt Carole was looking down from Above and smiling. BUT, OH, HOW, WE ALL MISS HER!!)~
~Since Andrew was the oldest Grandson, he started going deer hunting with Daddy, Uncle Dan, and Uncle Carson quite young.
They have many a deer hunting story to tell.
~Moma visiting with her good friend Jean Nunley.
Mrs. Nunley's brother Dale Hartle came as well.~
~It was so nice to have Mrs. Donna Handel come as well.
Uncle Carson visiting with one of his namesakes Grant Carson. :-)
Grant is engaged to be married in Jan., but his Courtney could not come.~
~Daddy visiting with Tim Kennedy, who attended Daddy and Moma's Christian school in Friendsville, TN, the first year they opened the school. ~
~Linda Massengill was the secretary for our school.
She arrived a little after noon, so Lincoln teased her that he would have to give her a Tardy Slip.
Me Thinks that he received many Tardy slips from her back in the day.~ ;-)
~Cousins. L to R: Andrew's Grant and Taylor (twin to Tyler in AK),
Our Noah, Laura's Bryan and our Elijah.
~Our Pastor's wife Gayle Eisenhart visiting with Moma.~
~My Sweet Sis-in-law Lyn (Lincoln's wife) visiting with Kimberly.
Dear Kimberly did a quick trip up
(getting in after midnight on Friday, due to wrecks on the highway and Construction)
and then leaving right after the 60th and getting back home to NC around 2:45 AM, Sunday Morning.
We were soooo glad she got to come though!
Sadly, Chris could not come with Kimberly. ~
~Gram and Abigail, her youngest Grandchild.~
~Lincoln fixin to lead us in prayer for the food.~
~Sweet Daddy and Moma.~
~Abigail, and her cousins, Heidi and her new husband Scott.~
~Jack's Catering did a great job and the food was yummy.~
~It was so nice to have the Sankey come!!!
Daddy and Sis. Sankey grew up together in the same church.
And now they share Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.
Their daughter Vonnie married my brother Andrew.~
~Pastor Eisenhart visiting with Daddy and Moma~
~We were thrilled to have Dad and Mom Dickinson come too.~
~Moma enjoyed telling the ladies from Jack's catering stories of their marriage.~
~It was so fun to have Sarah come.
Josh had a previous obligation, so he could not come.
Sweet Sarah and her Sweet Grandma.~
~Mary, Heidi, and Abigail. These girls LOVE their cousin Heidi.~
~Sweet Kimberly and her sweet cousin Brittany and her new husband Scott.~
~Sis. Sankey and Moma~
~I looked out the window and saw these Beautiful Fall leaves and had to snap a pic.~
~Steve Campbell, Andrew, and Lincoln grew up as great friends.~
~My brother Lincoln is a Principal of a Christian School.
Several years ago, he had a girl student who had cancer and had to shave her head. :-(
So, Dear Lincoln shaved his head back then to empathize with that student.
Then he liked the look, so kept it.
Daddy and Moma visiting with Lincoln.~
~New Cousin Scott, playing a game with little Abigail.~
It was so nice to have Ms. Mary Esther, in the Red Sweater, from the Union Friends' Church where Daddy was Pastor for 6 years.
I didn't get a picture, but it was so nice to have Chris McCain and Dwayne and Gwen Newton come in as well.
~Gram telling Katie about her wedding dress.~
~We were so happy that Katie and Matt could come with their little Mav and little Lillie!
Here is Andrew with his smiling granddaughter, little Lillie.~
~Adorable Little Maverick.~
~My dear cousin Steve Stump came!
He was the Bible Bearer in Daddy and Moma's wedding.~
~Silly cousins.~
~Dear Uncle Dan watching our Abigail splashin' in the puddles.~
~Cousin Steve and Daddy and Moma~
~Daddy, Steve, Moma, and Andrew.~
Thank you, Dear Jesus, for giving us a wonderful time celebrating Daddy and Moma!!
~We never know what is around the bend in the road...
So, it pays to stay close to Jesus!!!~
So Heidi married Scott, and Brittany also married Scott. I guess with that many people in your family you are going to have to start recycling names :-)
Nicki, Yes! :-) Heidi is the oldest Granddaughter and we have prayed for the right man for her for years. God brought her Scott from MI and they make a very nice couple. Brittany has been friends with her Scott for years. They met at GBS. Brittany married her Scott in July, and Heidi just married her Scott, Oct. 8th. :-) Nice hearing from you! ~Heather~
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