Friday, March 22, 2019

~Packing to Move, Finishing our Music CD, lovin' Jesus & livin' Life~

So, we are selling our house and could close 
within 20 or so days.
PACKING AND BOXES are the "In thing" around here.  :-)
Prayers appreciated for this journey...and for the right house to move in to.
We will still be Full-time Faith Missionaries, and still attend our Christian Nation Church, just want to get out of the city.
We have made an offer on a house in Hillsboro, but are waiting to see if they will accept it.

Prayers also appreciated for us as we finish our ~Family Music CD.~
God has been there through each step of this CD, and we could not have made it without HIM and the help of some dear friends.
Our prayer is that God will use this CD to encourage those who listen to it.
Music CD Release Date, April 23rd!
Look for us at our Global Holiness Mission Booth at IHC.
Phillip always explains the privilege that we have to Serve God as Missionaries and challenges us to live Holy careful lives and be Godly examples.~
~Kimberly and Sarah~
 ~Elijah, Mary, and Abigail~
 ~Sarah and Noah~
 ~My Sweetheart and I~
 ~Thankful for gift cards....we had a yummy dinner and a wonderful time as a family~
 ~Kimberly and Abigail~
 ~Elijah and Mary~
~My Sweet note to me from my Sweetheart~

 ~We all got to go over to my parents house to celebrate Daddy's 76th birthday and my brother-in-law's 50th birthday.  We got to attend church with them at Bro. Tom Sproles' church.
Then Laura and I put dinner together at Daddy and Moma's house.
Sarah and I made these "Razzleberry pies."~

Phillip and Noah went to visit our Dear People in Argentina.  They were there for 15 days!  I have interwoven pics of their trip throughout this blog post.
~The Sunday night before they left, Phillip and Noah shared about their trip going to Argentina, and then the church gathered to pray for them~

~Our church praying for Phillip and Noah and their trip to Argentina~
~Heading out the door for Argentina~
  ~Phillip and Noah spent a lot of time walking in the neighborhoods that we used to live in and talking to lots of people about Jesus and living for Him!!!!!

Phillip and Noah really enjoyed being with our dear friends Fernando, Mariela and Jeremias.  For right now, They have asked us not to post pics of them.

~How we love our Dear Friends Fernando, Mariela, and Jeremias!
 Phillip and Noah enjoyed spending hours with them.  Mariela served such yummy food.  Fernando and Mariela are the ones who taught us to eat "Picada" with yummy meats and cheeses, olives, hard breads and crackers.  DELISH!
Fernando and Noah played guitars together, and Fernando, Mariela, and Phillip enjoyed talking about God and the Bible.  They took Phillip and Noah home several times, which was a huge blessing.
We can't believe how Jeremias has grown.  Noah enjoyed playing games and being with him.
God has created miracles in Fernando's health.  He was the one who was in the motorcycle wreck years ago.  How we Thank the Lord for healing him as He has.  He still suffers, but we Thank God for sparing his precious life!  Please pray for Fernando, Mariela and Jeremias as you think of them.~

~Phillip and Noah enjoyed riding the trains in Argentina again!~
 ~Noah really enjoyed getting to play guitars with Mr. Fernando!!~
Thank you, Fernando, Mariela, and Jeremias for all you did for Phillip and Noah!

Phillip and Noah so enjoyed being in Argentina, but were so Sad to see the economic problems Argentina is having.  Please PRAY that God will use this to turn Argentina to HIM!!!

~Getting to worship with our Dear Chinese Friends at the Chinese church again.~
 ~Phillip and Noah spent a lot of time walking in the neighborhoods that we used to live in and talking to lots of people about Jesus and living for Him!!!!!
 ~Phillip and Noah with Han and Clara that own the yummy Chinese Restaurant there in Argentina~
 ~Our Dear Friend Oscar and baby Sara~
~Sweet Nan and Sara~
~Phillip and Noah enjoyed meeting Aunt Yoli's Dear brother Mariano~
 ~Our Dear Friends Aunt Yoli and Uncle Charlie!  
Thank you, Dear Uncle Charlie and Aunt Yoli for all you did for Phillip and Noah!!~
~Noah, Jonathan, and Valen~

 ~Phillip speaking to the dear Chinese Young People about living for Jesus and giving them their all through Sanctification.~
~Afterwards he passed out candy from our family to them.~
 ~Our Dear friends Uncle Leo and Caro, Jonathan, and Valen graciously kept Phillip in their home!
They made this delicious meal (along with lots of other delicious meals) for Phillip and Noah.
It was such a treat for Phillip and Noah to get to be with everyone again!!!
 ~Uncle Charlie helping serve everyone. ~
~Phillip and Noah felt very loved by this delicious meal that our friends treated them to.~
 ~Sweet Valen and Aunt we all wished we could have gone to see all of our DEAR DEAR friends!!~
 ~Jonathan and Noah~
~A Grill Out at Nico and Alicia's.  So Fun!~

~Thank you, Uncle Leo, Aunt Caro, Jonathan, and Valen for all you did for Phillip and Noah!!!!~
 ~Dear Uncle Leo and Phillip having Chinese tea one more time before Phillip and Noah left for the US.
Phillip and Uncle Leo had a lot of wonderful talks about the Bible and God.
~Phillip and Noah had a rough time getting home from Argentina.  
When they got to Chicago their rental car was cancelled, and to rent another one would be $400 for the day. :-(
So, they took a Uber to Grey Hound and took a bus ride home, getting home HOURS later.
Phillip enjoyed visiting with a young man for hours on the bus 
and encouraging him to give his life to JESUS!....
Quite possibly the reason Phillip couldn't get a rental car!  
God works in Mysterious ways!

~Phillip got these cups for Mary and Abigail~
~Valentine's youth party before Noah left.~
Pics taken by Sarah Susan
 ~Each person had to write some nice words about each of the other youth.   
Sarah is sitting in the corner...and writing her nice words to everyone. :-) ~

 ~We had Missionary convention at our church in March~

 ~Silly kids.~

 ~Yummy Indian Tacos over at the Beckers~
 ~Snow day while Phillip, Noah, and Kimberly were gone.~

~On March 1st, I took Melodie, Kimberly, and Gaby to the airport to head to Honduras.
~Sooo fun to have Bethany along on this trip.~
 ~A cute little boy who got sunglasses, Kimberly and Mr. Tony~
 ~Mr. Tony and Kimberly helping a patient.~

  ~The Medical team treated 1,333 patients and 110 got Saved!  PRAISE THE LORD!!!
There are possibilities of 2 new churches being started in the areas where they worked.~

 ~People were SO HAPPY with their glasses...and that they could actually SEE!!!~

 ~Kimberly got to go over to the clinic and dress and feed a new born baby. ~

 ~The Medical team treated 1,333 patients and 110 got Saved!  PRAISE THE LORD!!!
There are possibilities of 2 new churches being started in the areas where they worked.~

~I was enjoying drinking my coffee one day while Praying for Phillip and Noah as they flew home to me from Argentina, 
and for my Kimberly who was working in Honduras.~

~Some of the Gifts that Kimberly bought from Honduras for the family~
~Abigail's litte sandals
 ~Enjoying the Honduran Coffee....~
 ~in my cup Kimberly brought me last year from Honduras~
~Abigail gets to play "doctor" at our Jr. church.~

 ~You know you homeschool a BOY when he is eating Sardines, while doing school, with his WEAPONS he made ....laying ready by his side. :-D~
 ~Abigail drew this on my chalkboard. ~
 ~Aunt Caro sent sweet gifts for Aunt Nesi.~
 ~Free ice cream (Gratis) from United Dairy Farmers~

 ~Mary did a great job drawing this chalkboard.~
 ~My family loves it when I make Onion Walnut muffins...yummy! These are a great side for meals.~
 ~Can't Leave them alone bars.~

~GBS Choir reunion with 
Bro. Garen Wolf directing!!~
Mat and Joy, Paul and Robyn, and Rob and Staff put a lot of work into this beautiful day of worshiping Jesus, listening to dear Bro. Wolf's devotionals, and singing together with friends.  

 ~Dearest Bro. Wolf...his devotionals and love for Jesus made us all cry!!!~
 ~Dearest Martha Miller....choir would never have been choir without her playing!!~
 ~So fun singing soprano with my friends Valorie and Stephanie again!~

 ~So fun singing by my sweet friend Valorie!~
 ~Sweet Martha laughing during the choir stories about her husband.~
 ~Robyn leading our kids in "Loving God, Loving each other, Making music with our friends."  So sweet and made us all cry!!~

 ~Elijah and his "twin" Levi with their weapons and flag that they have made.~
  ~And this is why I love pics...cause my kiddos are growing. up. SO. FAST!!!
My little Noah and Elijah...about 3 years ago.~
 ~Since my house is FULL OF BOXES...I had to make a fun table to help my heart!~
 ~And some chocolate chip sour cream scones for my fam...and some visitors.~
 ~Cousin time! We have LOVED getting to live on the very same street as Daryl and Laura and their family for all these years.  Years ago, Phillip dreamed of living on the same street as them, and God fulfilled that dream!!
It has been so FUN to put snacks and meals together, have cousin sleep overs, and see each other as often as life allows.  We are REALLY going to MISS them when we move!!!~
 ~So fun to have Gaby and Emily come by.~

~Our Missionary service at Bro. Bob England's Church.~

 ~Dear Bro. and Sis. England and Phillip and I.~
~Kimberly made DELCIOUS homemade Argentine Alfajores.  (Cookies)~
 ~Enjoying my yummy tea from Aunt Caro!!~

~DATE TIME with my Sweetheart!!~
In the midst of boxes and uncertainty...
I needed some time with my sweetheart.
In the middle of the coffee shop, 
we held hands, 
bowed our heads, 
and prayed for God's guidance in our lives.

 ~Odd Socks in honor of Down syndrome day.~


Anonymous said...

Hace un contraste bien marcado entre los ricos y opulentos chinos y los ciudadanos argentinos,haciendo hincapié en el estatus social entre unos y otros,y muestra los regalos que los chinos les hicieron, pero no muestran los regalos que los argentinos dieron a su familia ni dice que los argentinos los llevaron en auto hasta su lugar de alojamiento no sólo una sino varias veces,una de las cuales fue a las 2 am,hay un Dios que ve y juzga todas las cosas, los chinos compartieron de su riqueza y los argentinos de su pobreza! Juzgen ustedes quien dio más.

Unknown said...

Familia Dickinson!la "casa pobre "que usted menciona es mi casa! Le pido que retire de su blog la foto de "mi mesa y comida en mi casa pobre" yo no la autorice a exponer " mi pobreza " en su blog tan lujoso con sus amigos chinos ricos,"la casa pobre" pertenece a un trabajador argentino que se gana el sustento con sus manos trabajando dignamente,no es un misionero Estadounidense sustentado por una iglesia ,el cual viaja en un supuesto €viaje de misión" por la capital más cosmopolita de América latina como lo es buenos aires y se aloja en el barrio mas exclusivo y ostentoso de dicha ciudad!!! Eso no es hacer misión ! Es un viaje de placer transcultural,no una misión. Atte Mariela Gomez de Arias.

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Nice post. Such an amazing article. Great share. Thank you . Loved it very helpful.

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