Pido mucha oración por Nicolas y su familia, mataron a su padre en el barrio paraíso.
todos estamos muy tristes

Translation: "I'm aking prayer for Nicolas and his family. They murdered his father in the neighborhood of Paraiso. We're all very SAD!!"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello! Our sweet friend Adrian made us laugh when she asked today,
"Does anyone else feel like it's the 74th day in January?"Yet, on the other hand, it doesn't seem possible that tomorrow is February!
Our DEAR friends from Argentina... Leo, Caro, (& Jonathan, and Valentina whom we gave English classes weekly in our home)...are taking a vacation in the USA.
They asked if they could come see us. WELL, OF COURSE!! :-)
(You have to understand if anyone comes from South America, most of the time they don't come anywhere NEAR Ohio! :-)
So, Lord willing they will arrive on Tuesday, Feb. 6th! We are counting the minutes...and trying to get everything ready.
~Pic taken of our family and Leo, Caro, Jonathan, and Valen ...December 2015 at the Iguazu Falls~
~Valentine's Day Decor~
Here's a quick tour through our home all decorated for that fun day when we show LOVE to those we LOVE!!~We Love because God first Loved us!~
~Our Bedroom~
"You have my whole heart for my whole life!~
~A cute little sign that reminds me to write my sweetheart love notes!~
~Our old gas stove~
~I love this little sign~
~If kisses were snowflakes...I'd send you a Blizzard!~
~I kept the hot chocolate bar on the buffet.~
"Cold Day, Warm hearts, Hot Cocoa & lot of Marshmallows."
~This is an old wooden frame from a tennis racket that Phillip found me in Argentina. We added the chalkboard. ~
~Our 2 little white love birds from Leo and Caro~
~ A heart out of electrical wire that Elijah made for Grandma. ( He got all inspired watching Grandpa and Daddy working upstairs. :-) ~
~The next morning he made me this little heart and gave me a dollar. This little boy has a very GIVING HEART! He loves to give gifts!!~
~This is our littlest Valentine in our home.
She was wearing some shoes which she calls her "heels" and trying to walk down the stairs...and tripped and fell down the stairs. She bruised her little lip on the left side (of this pic.)
I was trying to get a picture of it...and she I snapped this pic...then I told her to not smile....
(I need to get batteries for the little "&" sign)
~On the mantel~
~It's hard to get a pic...without getting yourself. :-) ~
~These wooden snowflakes hanging were another treasure from a store called Jumbo in Argentina~
~My little sign from Louisiana ..."Other things may change but we start and end with Family!"
(Of course, God first, then Family! :-)
and the fun pic that Brittany F. took of our family back in 2013.~
~Enjoying a cup of hot tea on this cold evening~
~Love this fun pic that our friend Kara took of Phillip and I in Argentina~"Every Family has a story...
Welcome to ours!~
~A few Recent Happenings~
~A fun yummy tea party
for Mary, Abigail and Me~
~Bro. Brock spoke a clear message on Holiness at our church.~~I put this fun story on FB about the Brocks~
It was our privilege to have our Dear friends the Brocks at our church on Sunday. I have known them probably all of my life. The Lord helped Bro. Brock preach a good clear sermon on Holiness.
We love them to pieces and appreciate their Godly example!
My sweetheart and I got married in the GBS chapel (before it was renovated.

The Brocks were in charge of work detail and so when I went to find out where I was to work on Camp clean-up day, The DEAR Brocks put me in charge of cleaning up the dining room, and gave me a crew to help me, and then told me once it was clean to have the crew help me SET UP THE DINING ROOM FOR OUR WEDDING RECEPTION!!!!
It was such a Blessing!!!! One I will never forget!!!

~Shopping with our 2 little girls~
~Noah loves to collect knives~
~Yummy Juan Veldez coffee that our good friend Zack brought us from our Beloved Colombia!!~
Some years ago Pastor Eisenhart said the quote in the meme!
In my words...
Each time we pray this isn't a Routine ...we are in the PRESENCE of the KING of KINGS and the LORD of LORDS! WOW!! ~Heather~
~I made a parfait...and the kids were HAPPY!~
~Last Friday night we went over to the Mid-winter revival at UBC. First we stopped for a drink together before service.~
~Bro. Whitaker leading singing.
I didn't get his picture, but God helped Bro. Buckler do a great job preaching on Holiness!~
~When we knelt to pray, Abigail had her doll pray too! :-) ~
~At Culvers with Bethany!~
~Then we got to spend the night with Gramp and Gram!!~
~Sunday morning was the first Jr. church since giving the workers a Christmas break.
The kids were all excited to start the new Western Theme!~
~The ladies (minus Randylyn)~
~The Lord helped Jenny sing Sunday morning. She had asked Sarah and I to sing with her.
(Side note: Some guy had just ran into her car just 2 miles from church, disabling it, and it had to be towed. Phillip went back and picked up Jenny and her two grandsons and brought them to church after the police had gotten their report of the accident. So, Poor Jenny came in late to church as it was.
I don't know how she was able to sing...but God's presence was near as she sang, "The Greatest of all Miracles was when My Jesus SAVED Me!!" ~
~Sunday evening as we ran out the door, we grabbed Abigail out of bed in her jammies, and I grabbed some clothes for her...thinking that under her jammies she had some tights, and a t-shirt. When we got to church and I went to change her, she had neither tights or t-shirt. :-(
Here she is drawing in church. Each time she would get to concentrating...her big toe would stick out. It was cracking Phillip and I up.~
~The Lord helped Kimberly speak on her Colombian Missions trip!~
~The Carters did a great job speaking, and then Jordan shared about his recent trip to Peru.~
~Kimberly made a little tea party for her and Sarah to share with the little girls in their room. Mary and Abigail were THRILLED!! :-) ~
~"Abibi" was the sweet name our Chinese friends from Argentina had for Abigail~
~Yesterday Grandpa and Grandma came over! Here Grandma is helping me cut up apples for a salad for our supper. (Abigail is under the table. :-) ~
~Pumpkin Lattes I made for us all to enjoy!~
~Elijah playing his guitar for Grandpa and Grandma.~
~Grandpa and Abigail~