Saturday, September 21, 2024

~Our Adorable Adelynn Elise is here safely!! Comargo, First day of School, & the Count down to baby Girl Kline's arrival is on!!~

 Our Baby Adelynn Elise arrived SAFELY, and we are LOVING being Grandpapa & Grammy!!! She is so adorable and precious and we cannot imagine our lives without her!  A year ago, we were suffering the loss of 2 babies...(Sarah's ectopic pregnancy, and nearly losing her as well, and Kimberly miscarrying too. ('~'). Those were some SAD days!  But, I asked Jesus to PLEASE GIVE US BEAUTY FOR THESE ASHES...AND HE HAS DONE THAT!!! How I praise His name!!!!

Of course, my heart was SADDENED by the passing of one of my dearest friends, Dad Sankey!  How I loved him.  I moved to his school when I was just 11, and he loved all of us students and took such an interest in us.   Then, my brother Andrew Married his Vonnie, and started calling him, "Dad II."  So, I started calling him "Dad Sankey."  

Dad Sankey's viewing and funeral was very Sad to me, but was very sweet and God's presence was close! It was good to be with family!

Enjoy Lots of Pics!  

~My nephew Grant and his wife Courtney (Andrew and Vonnie's son) visiting with Gramp and Noah.~

~Mary, Kimberly (and baby), Heidi (and baby), and me.~
~Matt and Katie and us.~
~Grant and Courtney with Gramp and our kids.~
~Phillip and I with the sweet program for Dad.~

Kimberly, Mary, Abigail, and I got to Josh and Sarah's house shortly before they left for the hospital. The hospital was so full that they wanted Sarah to come in at night.~
~One more baby bump pic for Kimberly and Sarah.~ <3
~Sarah wanted me to make some pillow covers for their beautiful antique crib, and the Lord helped me to get it done before Adelynn was born.~

~That night before we went to bed, they surprised our family by sending us this adorable picture and telling us baby girl's name!!  How Sweet!!!~

~The next morning, per Sarah's request, I headed to the hospital to be with them.~

~I had enough stars to get a free coffee.~
~There was quite a HAPPY crew waiting in the waiting room.  
They were PRAYING Hard for Sarah and baby, and soooo HAPPY when we texted them that she was
~Sarah's sweet Mother-in-love, Kelly brought these yummy chocolates and beautiful flowers to Sarah while she was in labor!!! 
~And the Stampers went to Panera and got some soup for Sarah and Josh and for me.  How sweet!~
~Praise Jesus!!! She is here SAFELY!!!~
~Sarah is Amazing.   

Adelynn Elise

8 lbs 7 oz.


31 hour LONG LABOR!

~Aunt Mimi is IN LOVE!~
~I think Adelynn had all of us wrapped right around her finger, the minute she was born. ;-)
~Grandpapa meets Adelynn Elise.~

~It was so fun to be with the Stampers!!~
~Uncle Elijah.~
~Aunt B~
~Aunt M.~
~Sarah is an awesome Mommy!!~
~Grammy and Aunt Katie.~

~I LOVE to take pics!  Have nearly all of my life!  

So, I have so much fun taking pics of little Adelynn each time I am with her.~

~All ready to go home.~
~Love that Chubby Cheeked baby girl to pieces!!!~

~I got the privilege to stay with Josh, Sarah, and baby Adelynn for 9 days, helping make meals, grocery shop, or whatever Sarah needed me to do. 

My sweet Daddy had given us some fresh squash, cucumbers, and peaches!  YUM!~

~First Shampoo.~

~Her little crib all made up with the adorable floral sheet from Connie.~
~I had so much fun setting a pretty table for Josh and Sarah and my family who was coming to visit.  Dear Kimberly and Mary made yummy lasagna and I made the things to go along with it.~

~Uncle Noah was working and he and Chris were the only ones of our family that could not come and meet their new little niece. 
So, he finally got to meet her when she was 3 days old.~

~Cousin Darla gets to meet her!~

~I had fun making fun treats to take care of the sweet Mommy (Sarah) 
as she took care of little Adelynn!~

~Sweet Mindy and her boys came by to see Josh and Sarah and meet Adelynn.~

~The time had come for me to leave baby Adelynn!  :-(

So, I did a little photo shoot so I could take LOTS of pics of her with me, as I left to go to Comargo Camp for the weekend.~

~Sarah snapped these pics of Adelynn and I.~

~Comargo Camp~

Our Noah was working at the Lunch Bucket during Comargo Camp, so we went to visit him.~

~The Flings had us over for a snack.~
~Brittany made me some yummy coffee!!!~

~Kimberly, quite pregnant, playing volleyball.~
~Dear Pastor Eisenhart and us.~

~My sweet friend Martha and I.~
~Phillip and Bro. Stephens.~

~Tiffany and I.~
~We appreciated the ministry of Bro. James Plank and Bro. Stephens.~

~I LOVE to Surprise People!  
So, I must come from my Moma!  
She told Daddy that she wanted to drive over on Sunday morning of Comargo Camp and SURPRISE us!!!
Well, they did just that!  

~Devotions on our front porch.  
My cup says, "Eat, Pray, Hustle."
I had been gone for 11 days being with Sarah and new baby Adelynn, then Comargo Camp.
So, you can imagine the DIRTY LAUNDRY that Faced me when I got back from Camp.
So, I took my time with Jesus, then hit it hard!
When we opened our new little church on Strait Creek 
Elijah told us that we needed to have a VBS this year.  

We told him that that was a great idea, except that we had no songs, no stories, and no children!
So, Phillip told him that he would put a post on FB telling that if anyone had stories or songs or flannel graph that they wanted to donate, we needed them.

Wonderful items started coming in!
Many of you have donated ministry items, 
and we really appreciate it!

A couple weeks before Adelynn was born, A new family moved right beside our church.  We saw toys in the yard.  KIDS!  

So, Phillip and Mary went to invite them to our church.
The Dad told us that his kids are trying to get him back, "on the straight and narrow," and that they needed to get back in church.
Then he said that his little boy has been wanting a VBS.
He said that when they came to see that house to buy it, 
the little boy pointed at our church and said,
"I hope that church will have a VBS for me!"
So, our family went into action and started getting things ready for train-themed VBS.

Phillip went back over and talked to the parents about the dates of our VBS, and they agreed that those dates would be great!

So, we came back from Comargo Camp on Monday evening 
(and my helping Sarah and Adelynn) 
and got into gear and started a VBS that Thursday night!

Dear Susan Carter gave us the wonderful story that she helped write! 
We were so excited to tell it to the kids!
~We ordered some train whistles, hats, and bandanas.~
~A few weeks before, I had told Kimberly that I wanted a banner stand.  

God had helped Kimberly win a banner stand on Fast Track!  

It was normally $99, and she got it for our church for $3.49!!!!

~Elijah wanted to do a train theme.~
~Sweet Mindy from near Crooksville donated some yummy snacks for our VBS.  

Dear Mrs. Fields and Kimberly helped me with snacks as well.~

~A dear lady from Mitchell, SD donated a whole set of Betty Lucans flannel graph!!! What A Blessing!!
Phillip told the Bible Story.
~Kimberly told Susan's story.

~It was so nice to have Bro. and Sis. Becker and other guests come for our first night of VBS. 
The little family wasn't home when we were supposed to start at 6:30.
We waited until around 6:50, and the family pulled into their driveway.

Phillip  sent our kids over to tell the parents and the little boy that we would start VBS in 10 minutes.  
Sadly, the kids came back and told us that the dad said that they got home late tonight, so the little boy would have to come on Friday night. 

We were disappointed, but decided to have service anyway. 

So, while we were having VBS inside, 
the little boy WHO HAD PRAYED FOR A VBS, 
was riding his bike in his driveway 

 Then after our service, we had special prayer that the little boy and others could come to VBS. 

~On Friday, the Little Boy and his family were not even home!  :-(

So, we had special prayer again and enjoyed a little snack outside together.

~Kimberly made these adorable railroad cookies.~

~Mary enjoying a storm from one of our favorite places, our front porch.~
~On Saturday, Jesus sent in 4 little children from our neighborhood, and their parents!  

It was a delight to have the Carters come that night, and the Klines and Fields came as well!  

We had a nice little picnic after VBS.

The little boy next door never did come to VBS.  :-(

After VBS ended, we took some candy, cookies, and quiet seat prizes over to give to the little boy and his little siblings. 

It is Spiritual Warfare, and we are still praying for the little boy next door and his family! And others in our community!

~Happy 10th birthday to Abigail!~
~Kimberly made this adorable Koala Bear cake for Abigail!  Sooo cute!~

~We took Abigail up to visit with little Adelynn!  
Just look HOW PRECIOUS she is!!!!  <3

~We grabbed supper with Josh and Sarah in Zanesville.~
~Then we drove straight to Dad and Mom Dickinson's house since we haven't been with them for a several weeks!

I did find it interesting that Sarah texted me to please let them know when we had arrived safely at Grandpa and Grandma's house.   She often is concerned when we travel, so I just chalked it up to that.

But then when I told her that we were safely in the little town they lived in, and almost to their house, she wrote back, 


I was extactic!!!! 

So, I kept it a surprise from Abigail, Phillip, and Grandma.   I finally told Grandpa, cause I knew that he would go to bed early, if I didn't tell him.

So, we all sat in the living room just chatting.  

Mary and I could not WAIT until 1:37 A.M.  We were sooo glad that they were bringing little Adelynn to meet Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Dickinson.

Grandpa had previously teased Sarah that little Adelynn would probably be graduating from high school before he and grandma got to meet her!

At 1:37, the front door started opening and in walked Sarah, and Josh, holding an adorable baby Adelynn!!  Grandma was so shocked!!! Grandma got to hold her first, then Grandpa.

The next morning, Grandpa held her for like 3 hours straight!!!  They are in LOVE! 

~Dear Great Uncle Michael got to meet her!~
~Then I asked Grandpa if I could invite my parents over to meet little Adelynn, because they only live about an hour away from Dad and Mom Dickinson.  Grandpa said yes!

So, I called Daddy and invited him and Moma over.  

I was SOOO HAPPY that they could come over!  I just knew that little Adelynn would grow up and they wouldn't get to meet her until she was bigger. 

~All of little Adelynn's Dickinson / Bryan Grandparents in one picture.~
~4 Generations on the Dickinson side.~
~4 Generations on my side.~
~We had a little party for Abigail, since she was turning 10! 

Sweet Ms. Nellie from LA sent me this adorable pic from when Abigail was 2.~

~I was trying to take a picture of Sarah and baby...when Phillip in another room, said, "Let's Pray."  

Sarah bowed her head, and I snapped this picture, 

because little Adelynn had her little hands crossed, looking so Pious. :-) ~

~We had so much fun going to Mrs. Satterfield's house to make some crafts.  

It was a delightful time together with her and Mrs. Fields!~

~One of the things we did was to make these little tissue jars, and decorate them. (the little white jar on my piano.)~
~Ice cream!~
~This cute little plaque that Sarah got me says,
 "If you are praying about it, God is working on it."

~Getting to hang out with and help celebrate Emily Hallam!  What a fun girl's day we had together!~
~Our front door.  

Sweet Sis. Jowers gave me my pretty wreath.~

~Homemade cinnamon rolls.~

~Zach and Berenice's beautiful wedding.~

~Abigail set a pretty table.~
~Meeting up with Isaiah at GBS, and taking time to take him to Skyline.  A rare treat for us as well.~
~Found this passport pic of Phillip when he was 17.  Looks a lot like Noah.~
~First day of our 2024-2025 School Year.~
~I made German Pancakes.~

~I Cannot believe that I have 3 of our kids graduated, 
and only have these 3 precious children left to homeschool!
I am trying to soak up every minute!!!
~Just Keeping it REAL!
Sometimes, I find myself coming and going.
We are still attending CNC and helping there, while being Pastor and wife to Strait Creek CNC, 
attending 4 services a week, 
driving the kids to music lessons in Cinci, 
providing specials and snacks for our Strait Creek CNC Church (SCCNC), 
trying to keep up with Mission's correspondence, etc. 
Sometimes all of this 
finds me throwing a load of laundry in and then running out the door for Cinci, coming home late that night, only to find it the next day, and having to re-wash it!
Or, making a treat for a function, running out the door to that function, leaving my kitchen in this State.... 

I do enjoy those days when I am home, and we do not have to run, and we can get into a schedule, and I can catch back up!
Much Better! ~

~Trump Parade in Cinci.~
We decided to join the Trump Parade as a family...
and had such fun doing it.~

~Phillip did some pretty nice artwork on our van for the 
Trump Parade.~
~Obviously, that is the blood running down from when he got shot.  
We are praying that God will save his soul, and preserve his life!

~We were so excited that Chris and Kimberly came too!~

~Enjoying Fall scents around here.~
~Taking a break in the creek.  We are in a drought and are praying for rain.
Normally, this creek is quite deep.~

~Phillip has been needing new glasses for over a year now.  He could barely see with his old ones.  Jesus helped us get him some new ones!! ~
~Josh and Sarah just celebrated their 3rd wedding anniversary!! 
I love this pic of little Adelynn, 'cause she is yawning!  So cute!
~Chris and Kimberly just got to go on a little trip to celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary. 

Kimberly put her phone on a timer and took these adorable Maternity Pictures.~

~I had fun finding these Neat old photos the other day.
Here are Phillip and I, Kimberly and Sarah, 
with sweet Grandma Bryan.~
~GG and Noah.~
~GG and baby Kimberly.~
~Sarah, Kimberly, and baby Noah.~
~Little Noah.~
~The other night we took the kids to Smale Park on the Ohio River.  

Since we used to live in downtown Cinci, we used to come here often, but now we rarely get to do this.  It was so fun being back down there together! ~

~So pretty!~
~The boys brought their long boards (skateboards) and had fun riding around.~

On the way home, I was driving, because Phillip was working on a mission's report.
We were on a little country road, with no street lights, 
when I saw EYES!!
I slowed down to make sure that I didn't hit a deer, 
then slowly proceeded forward, and came up to the back of a COW standing IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!!!
Then around 3 miles later, Phillip yelled, "Slam on your brakes!"
I slammed on my brakes and a baby deer ran out in front of us!
Then he yelled, "Slam them again!" and the Mother ran out in front of us.  
It was ONLY GOD that we didn't hit those deer!
Then the 3rd deer ran behind our car and in front of Noah's car!

WHEW!  I am so glad that our guardian angels were 
working that night!  
I think they still might be standing in the corner, recovering. ;-)

~Elijah bought some new chicks and bought some for Abigail too.~

~A fun little corner shelf in our home holding the 2 sweet little ultrasounds from Adelynn, and the Kline baby girl due soon.~
~Devotions on our front porch, while also enjoying "Dad and Mom" Sankey's new devotional.~
~A dear neighbor gave us some of his Roma tomatoes.  I had fun making homemade spaghetti sauce with shredded pork.  Yum!

If you are still reading, after allll of these pictures, 
you are a TRUE FRIEND.  :-D
Thanks for letting me catch up on the last 7 BUSY 
weeks of our lives!
I knew I had to blog about sweet little Adelynn being born,
before sweet baby Kline comes soon!

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