Well, Hello There! Life has been moving on...since I blogged last!
We moved our little girl to Salisbury, NC, on New Year's Eve. Kimberly is the assistant to the Principal at the Christian School there. She is loving being in North Carolina and the Lord is helping her!
We have had a few melt-down moments missing our Kimberly, but for the most part, we are Thrilled that she is just exactly where Jesus wants her to be!!
When you have a snow day
...you make a chocolate mug cake.

PIoneer Woman.
Use a 12 oz. mug
3Tablespoons Flour
3Tablespoons Sugar
2T. Cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
Stir with a fork
3T. Milk
3T. Oil
1teaspoon vanilla
Stir with a fork
3T. Chocolate chips
Tiny pinch of salt
Clean top of mug
Microwave on high 90 seconds. (1.30)
Let cool a tad, then put coolwhip on top, and sprinkles. Enjoy with a cup of black coffee or a large glass of milk. 

(Sidenote: this is quite Rich, so next time we might half the recipe
and make it in a smaller mug.) ~HD~
Jesus helped Kimberly's room in NC in Grandma Newton's house, to turn out so cute!
~We took her shelves off her wall here at home to give her more storage for music note books, Spanish notebooks, etc., since she will be teaching violin and Spanish classes at the School as well.
We brought her desk (that she had earlier painted white),
hung her Cactus, and llama lights, and found some other little things to add to her room.~
~Her Colombian Coffee/ Argentine Mate / Smoothie Station. :-D ~
~It is a nice arrangement for Kimberly to get to live with Grandma Newton. It helps Grandma Newton not be so lonely, and gives Kimberly a fun "Grandma" and a nice place to live. Kimberly enjoys cooking and baking, so I'm sure Grandma Newton is enjoying the results. :-)
Last Saturday Kimberly made 2 apple pies and 2 choc. chess pies. ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~Congratulations to Sarah! She Recently got her Driver's License. :-) ~
~On the Saturday, Oct. 17th, before we left on Deputation, we went over and worked all day long helping my Daddy and Moma trim off some trees that potentially could have fallen on their house during the winter, causing much damage.My brother Andrew rented a cherry picker to cut the tops off of several trees.
This was Moma's chalkboard welcoming us.~
~I provided a drink and dessert table.~
~These cousins worked so hard all day helping Gramp and Gram.~
~Andrew in the cherry picker and Gramp working on the ground!
~I provided a drink and dessert table.~
~These cousins worked so hard all day helping Gramp and Gram.~
~Andrew in the cherry picker and Gramp working on the ground!
We are very grateful to still have Gramp (my Daddy) with us, since we nearly lost him this summer! ~
~Even Moma at 78 helped all day long, looking stylish in her pretty black hat!~
~On Sunday, We had Andrew and Taylor and Daryl and Laura and their family, and Josh over to our house for Sunday dinner.
~Even Moma at 78 helped all day long, looking stylish in her pretty black hat!~
~On Sunday, We had Andrew and Taylor and Daryl and Laura and their family, and Josh over to our house for Sunday dinner.
Andrew had never seen our house.~
~So fun to see Faye as well.
On October, 21st, we left for Deputation!
Our first stop was our dear friends Steve and Luann's house!
We were thrilled to get to see them, Sito, and Matt!!!!
We love those people to pieces!!
~Sarah, Sito, and Kimberly~
~We were happy that Josh got to come with us.~
~Our kids love doing loads of puzzles with Matt and Sito.~~So fun to see Faye as well.
Love Faye and Luann so much!~
~Just chatting with Dear Ol' Dr. Steve!! We love that guy!~
~Just chatting with Dear Ol' Dr. Steve!! We love that guy!~
~Sweet Luann always spoils us with the most delicious treats...and of course LOTS of coffee, creamers, cool whips, etc. :-) ~
~Thankfully, Bro. Lindell Howard warned us that they were to get snow that Saturday evening, so we left like 3 hours earlier from Steve and Luan's than we normally would have left. As Noah was driving down the road, snow was swirling in front of us.
You can imagine his excitement when he saw the SPEED LIMIT was 80!! ;-)
But, since he was pulling a trailer, he didn't drive that the whole time. ~
~The Mitchell Church gave us such a nice welcome!~
~Dear Bro. Lindell.~
~Jesus helped Phillip to preach that Sunday A.M.
~Mitchell, South Dakota~
Phillip and Bro. Lindell visiting while both wearing their Trump hats.
God was gracious and protected us!
About 10 mins. after we pulled into the parsonage at Mitchell, it really started snowing!
~We got to see dear Bro. Lyle Howard.~~The Mitchell Church gave us such a nice welcome!~
~Dear Bro. Lindell.~
~Jesus helped Phillip to preach that Sunday A.M.
Then we had our mission service on Sunday night.~
~It was so nice to see Phillip's cousin Heather and her family~
~We had a yummy meal at Sam and Clarissa's house!
~It was so nice to see Phillip's cousin Heather and her family~
~We had a yummy meal at Sam and Clarissa's house!
How we LOVE the Arnold family!
When Phillip pastored at Gospel Center in Phoenix, AZ back in 1999-2004 the Dear Arnolds were at Montezuma Indian School!
Often were the times when we would drive up just to hang out with them!
When their school went camping, we were invited to go with them.
Mrs. Becky was my doula for both Sarah and Noah's births.
We were so delighted to get to be with the Arnolds again...but oh, how we missed Dear Bro. Arnold!!!! I know he is happy in Heaven, but we all surely miss him here!!!!
~Sarah and Kimberly telling of their mission trip to Honduras, last Feb. / March.~
~On Monday, We got to go to the fun coffee shop Elixir there in Mitchell. Anthony works at this coffee shop and helped decorate it. It is such a cute coffee shop!~
~The Arnolds treated us to a yummy breakfast!~
~Sweet Kimberly, Olivia, and Sarah!~
~Thrift Store shopping...it is what Ashlea and I do best!~ :-D
~We had a nice visit with Myra, a sweet friend of the Arnolds.~
~Playing games with the young people at Mitchell.~
~A sweet lady from Russia, that we met at the CNC there in MT.
~Sarah and Kimberly telling of their mission trip to Honduras, last Feb. / March.~
~On Monday, We got to go to the fun coffee shop Elixir there in Mitchell. Anthony works at this coffee shop and helped decorate it. It is such a cute coffee shop!~
~The Arnolds treated us to a yummy breakfast!~
~Sweet Kimberly, Olivia, and Sarah!~
~Thrift Store shopping...it is what Ashlea and I do best!~ :-D
~We had a nice visit with Myra, a sweet friend of the Arnolds.~
~Playing games with the young people at Mitchell.~
~Rapid City, SD~
On the way to Rapid City, SD, we stopped to get gas.
Phillip started visiting with a Rancher there and found out that he was a Christian.
Before he left, that Rancher gave Phillip a $50!!
Jesus, Please bless that Rancher!
(unfortunately, my phone dropped into water, so I do not have a lot of pics on my phone from
our Mission Service and time in Rapid City, SD,
with the Brent Woodards!!
Jesus gave us a good service there, and we had a great time being with them again!
While I was in college, my parents pastored the church in Oelrichs, SD.
When I was home for my summers, Daddy, Moma, and I would go "to town" once a month.
We would make it an all day thing, and spend such a fun day in Rapid City, SD!!!
Oelrichs was like 70 miles from Mt. Rushmore.
When Phillip and I came out to spend our Spring break with Daddy and Moma....
My Sweetheart Phillip asked me to marry him, just 10 mins. from Mt. Rushmore.~
~We saw loads of buffalo in SD.
This one chased us for quite awhile.
Phillip just kept backing up, for he didn't want him to kill the front of our Suburban.
~Our Mission services in MONTANA~
Kimberly, Sarah, and Phillip sharing at our Christian Nation Church in MT.~
~A sweet lady from Russia, that we met at the CNC there in MT.
Our families write letters to each other now.~
~Phillip, Dear Bro. Hooper, and Dear Bro. Deets. We so enjoyed getting to meet the Deets! They treated us so nicely while we were there!! She is sweet and He is hilarious!! :-)
~Phillip, Dear Bro. Hooper, and Dear Bro. Deets. We so enjoyed getting to meet the Deets! They treated us so nicely while we were there!! She is sweet and He is hilarious!! :-)
It was so nice to see Bro. Hooper. Sadly, Sis. Hooper wasn't well, so we missed seeing her!!~
~Near Northwest Indian Bible School...where we were graciously given a house in which to stay.~
~So Beautiful!!~
~Daniel and Sarah and family had us over for a yummy dinner!
~So Beautiful!!~
~A picture of "Phillip" drawn by Maddy Hill and Jordan Deets. :-D ~
~Bro. Daniel Hardy and Phillip.~~Daniel and Sarah and family had us over for a yummy dinner!
I would have known Sarah when she was a little girl.~
~Pancakes I made with the nice food pounding that the Deets put in the house at NIBS where we stayed.~
~We were privileged to have a mission service at the
~Pancakes I made with the nice food pounding that the Deets put in the house at NIBS where we stayed.~
~We were privileged to have a mission service at the
chapel at NIBS.~
~It was so fun to get to know Joey and Janelle Hooper better. This is their Ella and our Abigail.~
~Joey and Noah playing guitars together.~
~Kimberly, myself, and Sweet Aunt Debbie!~
~I celebrated my 47th birthday at their house!
~It was so fun to get to know Joey and Janelle Hooper better. This is their Ella and our Abigail.~
~Joey and Noah playing guitars together.~
~Phillip and I wearing our TRUMP stuff back on Election Day!!
Back when Gospel Center asked us to come and sing for their camp, we knew right away that we wanted to plan some mission services out West, and go see Phillip's family that we haven't seen in years!
Uncle Mark has been on dialysis for nearly 2 years now. :-(
We were so glad to get to see him and Aunt Debbie and their family, and get to meet sweet Dena, and Billy!~
~Phillip and Uncle Mark~~Kimberly, myself, and Sweet Aunt Debbie!~
~I celebrated my 47th birthday at their house!
They treated me very special by buying Mexican food and 2...T.W.O... ice cream cakes from Baskin Robbins!!! I was spoiled rotten!~
~It was so nice to be with U. Mark, A. Debbie and their whole family! How we love them!!
~It was so nice to be with U. Mark, A. Debbie and their whole family! How we love them!!
On the morning that we left, they made us yummy biscuits and gravy!!~
~Our Mission Service in YUMA, AZ~
We were treated very nicely in Yuma, AZ.
Way back before we went to the mission field, while Philip was pastoring at Gospel Center, Bro. Knisely was pastoring in Yuma.
It was so nice to be with the Kniselys again. ~
~Bro. Knisely ringing the church bell.~
~It was so nice to have yummy Carolina's Mexican Food again.~
~We had so much fun with Ms. Helen!
~We had 2 mission services that morning to hold their crowds.
We had a 9 and a 11 A.M. service.
Jesus' presence was close as we shared what God has been doing!~
~Sis. Tammy and I.~~With the Wheelers, at Gospel Center.~
Since we wanted to go up and see Phillip's uncle John and Ms. Helen,
have a missionary service at Wesleyan Holiness church,
attend Travis and Donna Leib's Church Sunday night,
and also do some site seeing in AZ,
the Wheelers let us come and use Gospel Center as our base out of which to work.~
The Wheelers and Gospel Center had the yellow house all fixed up so nicely for us.
There were soooo many yummy treats waiting for us to enjoy!~
~It was so nice to have yummy Carolina's Mexican Food again.~
~Heading to Uncle John and Ms. Helen's house!~
~We had so much fun with Ms. Helen!
She can make the best English Tea and yummies to go with it!!~
~Phillip and Uncle John.~
~U. John took us on Fun rides!~
~Kimberly and Sarah got to stay in this! So fun!~
~Phillip and Uncle John.~
~U. John took us on Fun rides!~
~They live in such a neat and beautiful area.~
~Ms. Helen's cute ice cream bowls, with yummy treats.~~Kimberly and Sarah got to stay in this! So fun!~
Kimberly was only 18 months when we moved to AZ for Phillip to pastor at Gospel Center.
Both Sarah and Noah were born in AZ. (Phillip was as well.)
So, our 3 oldest LOVE AZ and the West!
It was sooo fun to go through the town of Williams, AZ.
We got to shop for some Souvenirs on a strip of Route 66!
Years ago, when my parents and our family were spending the night in Flagstaff, AZ, my Daddy suggested that we ask LOCALS where they would eat breakfast.
We love to support local "Dad and Mom" type restaurants.
So, we did ask the Locals, and they recommended "THE PLACE."
We went and enjoyed The Place back then, and each time we are in Flagstaff, we eat breakfast at The Place.
They have very generous servings, and it is just a fun experience eating on Route 66.
This time, we went to eat breakfast there, and enjoyed telling our waitress about our history with her restaurant.
We so enjoyed ourselves,
and even drawing names among our kids, right there at that table, for our Christmas gift exchange.
When we got ready to pay our Waitress,
she told us that the couple behind our table had so enjoyed watching our family, and
When we asked the waitress if she knew the couple, if they were regulars, she said, she had never seen them before!
~Heading to Sedona, AZ~
~We climbed on some red rocks for a couple hours in Sedona.
~Heading to Sedona, AZ~
~We climbed on some red rocks for a couple hours in Sedona.
The sky looked like cotton balls.~
~Back at Gospel Center to stay.~
~Playing games with the Castles on Saturday.~
~The Wheelers took us to Organ Stop Pizza. So fun!~
~Our Mission Service at Wesleyan Holiness Church.~
~Back at Gospel Center to stay.~
~Playing games with the Castles on Saturday.~
~The Wheelers took us to Organ Stop Pizza. So fun!~
~Our Mission Service at Wesleyan Holiness Church.~
It was so nice to be with Brad and Janene Wing at the Wesleyan Holiness Church on Sunday, AM.
We had a nice outside service, and a yummy Sunday dinner together! ~
~Camelback Mountain~
~Janene and I~
~Myself, Mrs. Lee, Mr. Frank, Phillip, and Brad.~
~Roseanna and I.~
~It was so nice to see Donna and Travis Leib again.~
~The Castle's had us over for a yummy dinner on Monday evening, before Gospel Center Revival started on Tuesday.~
~Fun to be with these ladies~
~Hiking Squaw Peak with Bro. Heidler, the youth worker.~
~Camelback Mountain~
~Janene and I~
~Myself, Mrs. Lee, Mr. Frank, Phillip, and Brad.~
~Roseanna and I.~
~It was so nice to see Donna and Travis Leib again.~
~The Castle's had us over for a yummy dinner on Monday evening, before Gospel Center Revival started on Tuesday.~
(Due to Covid, Gospel Center Camp was changed to Revival.)
Our family was asked to sing for Gospel Center Revival,
and to hold the missionary service on Sunday.
It was sooooo good to be back with our church family that we love!
This was Phillip's home church where he grew up, and
Phillip also pastored there for 5 years.
Gospel Center treated us so special!
God really helped in the services!
God's presence was very close!
~This is when Sarah and Mercy first saw each other! :-) ~
~The Lord helped Bro. Barnard as he preached.~~Fun to be with these ladies~
~Hiking Squaw Peak with Bro. Heidler, the youth worker.~
~Getting to go out with our Dear Mr. Frank and Mrs. Lee!!~
~God led a family from Gospel Center to meet up at a restaurant across town, with Glen Dillion, a former student of Gospel Center. His Grandmother helped start Gospel Center Church.
It was so nice for Phillip to see Glen again. They would have attended school together at Gospel Center.~
~Kimberly and Sarah speaking in our mission service.~
~We so enjoyed getting to be with Trint and Janette Castle and family!
~Merilee Barnard did a great job with the kid's services. This was their program on Sunday morning.~
~Mr. Frank Heidler did a great job with the youth.~~Kimberly and Sarah speaking in our mission service.~
~We so enjoyed getting to be with Trint and Janette Castle and family!
Years ago, when Phillip and I were at Gospel Center, God blessed us by moving Trint and his new wife Janette out to attend church with us.
Quite often we met at our parsonage, enjoyed snacks, and did parenting sessions together with the Castles and other young couples.
Now, 13 kids later, our 2 families look more like a complete choir. :-)
We love the Castles!
beautiful sunset pictures happening,
that I just kept snapping.
Here are 2 of them!~
~A bondfire and visiting at the parsonage.~
~Dear Bro. and Sis. Wheeler and Phillip and I.
~A bondfire and visiting at the parsonage.~
~Dear Bro. and Sis. Wheeler and Phillip and I.
(We all were worn out after camp.)
How we love the Wheelers!!! They are dear saints! We are THRILLED that they are at Gospel Center!!!~
~Our mission service, Sunday A.M.~
~Our mission service, Sunday A.M.~
~Another shot of our family singing during our mission service.~
Dear Aunt Donna gave Phillip and I this beautiful set of silver for our
25th wedding anniversary.~
~It was so fun to get to see Aunt Donna and her daughter Carrie and her daughters. Sadly, I only have this pic on my phone.Dear Aunt Donna is a such a sweetheart and such a giving lady!! We loved getting to see her!~
~Dad's Tractor~
~Dad D. was given a tractor.
He worked a lot on it, put it together, and painted it.
He then asked Phillip
to airbrush "Bud and Sherry" on the hubcaps, as a surprise to Mom.
Jesus helped Phillip and he did a great job.~
We had a wonderful Deputation out West!
How we Thank the Lord for His protection!!
We had some close calls...one time we were going 70 Mile an hour on a 2 lane road, when we looked up and a car was in our lane.
The car was trying to pass a semi, like I said, on a 2 lane road
with a 70 mile an hour speed limit.
Not sure if he underestimated the distance,
If he was drunk,
or if the semi would not let him back in.
We had to hit the berm, and that car went sailing past us IN OUR LANE!!!
Thank God for a large berm!!
About 10 minutes later we changed roads, and it had NO berm at all.
God's presence was very near us in our mission services,
we so enjoyed getting to be with dear friends
and with Phillip's dear family that we have not seen for years!
~Deputation 2020 was Great!~
We laughed, we cried,
We hugged, we Goodbye-d,
We worshipped, we loved,
Sang praises to God Above!
Phillip preached, I shared,
People loved, People cared.
We Praised, Jesus the Crucified,
We thanked, We testified.
We coffee-d, we ate.
Saw Grand Canyon, God did create
We Loved the Wild West
To see it again together ... the Best!
We hiked, we rode
We did load, We did unload :-)
We bowed, we prayed
37 nights we stayed.
~Heather~ 2/10/2021
~A little Valentine's decor~
God really helped us!
God's sweet Presence was very close.
We got to see our Kimberly!
Hopefully I can post those pics soon.