Friday, October 11, 2024

~Baby Adelynn (& her parents come for a visit TWICE), Mary makes a Wedding cake, CNC Congress, Fall Brunch Outside, Mary's birthday, U. Bill & Laura move here, Tailgate party.


Phillip leaves for Colombia EARLY Monday, October 14th!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


Phillip, Noah, and Elijah left at 2:45 AM Tuesday, to head to the airport to fly to CO for Men Arise. (Phillip slept for 1 HOUR all night...and that was on the way to the airport.)

Phillip is to speak twice during these 3 days of Men Arise. 
 I am praying for a wonderful move of God!

Our guys flew into Denver, and then our dear friends from Mitchell, SD picked them up and took them on into Men Arise in Crawford! They enjoyed riding together! 

~Our men are happy that our brother-in-law Daryl, and his Bryan, Lucas, and Darla's boyfriend Zack get to come to Men Arise too!~
And my cousin Jeff and his boys got to come too! (his wife Susan will be hiding away somewhere there.:)

~September 15th, Josh, Sarah, & Adorable Adelynn 
came to see us!!!~

~She melted Uncle 'lijah's heart when she smiled at him!~

~The girls and I got to go swimming at our neighbor's pool.~

~Mary Made A Mini Wedding Cake.~
~Our 13 year old Mary was asked to make a miniature Wedding Cake for Todd and Rachel's wedding.  
(My Dad pointed out that there probably are not too many 13 year olds that have made a wedding cake!)
Mary did a great job with it! 
We even researched what icing to use for an outdoor reception.
It turned out Adorable! ~
~So Cute.~
~Since Todd and Rachel were having a private wedding in our little Country Church, 
I invited Rachel and her girls and her Mom to get ready at our house.
Right before they came I ran out and got some fun drinks and Dove chocolates for them to enjoy!~
~Such a cute sign in front of our old church. 
Rachel grew her pretty flowers.~
~Phillip and I.~
~Mr. and Mrs. Fields visiting with Bro. Campbell~
~Such a pretty sweet wedding.~
~Here comes the Bride!~
~Signing the Bible.~
~Mr. and Mrs. Todd Campbell.~

~The bride requested that Mary put little real flowers on the outside of the Wedding Cake 
and these fun pics of her and Todd!~

~Mary's Wedding Cake turned out so Cute!~
~It was such a pretty reception.  Like I mentioned above, Rachel grew the pretty flowers.~
~Mary and her friends.~
~And there is the Adorable Mini Wedding cake again.~

~And the Handsome Groom and Pretty Bride cutting the cake.~
~Since it was a Thursday night, Phillip could not come to their reception, but instead stayed and had our Thursday night prayer meeting.~
~Sweet Little Adelynn grinning.~

~Christian Nation Church Congress.~
On Friday, the kids and I went down and set up the Comargo Dinning Room for our CNC Congress.

~I came home and made Laura's Apple Pie Bars for Congress.~
~Touches of Fall around our house.~

~Congress on Saturday.~

~The Lord helped Pastor Paul give such an encouraging devotional.
The Lord gave us such an Awesome Congress!  It was like a special church service!!!  God's sweet presence was so close!!~

~It's a tradition for the Ryans and us to go out for coffee after Congress.~
~Chris and Kimberly singing at CNC.~

~Bro. Carter speaking at our Strait Creek church on the night that CNC gathered around and prayed for Phillip for his Colombian trip. 
~That night it was so nice to have the Wegeners visit and Carmilla and McKenzie.~
~Mary made us some yummy Chocolate Chip cookies for after church and Sis. Fields brought us yummy ice cream.~
~Elijah doing School.~
~A treat from a friend.~
~A quick date with my man at a nearby Diner.~
~Family ice cream for Scripture Memorization.~
(Psalm 91)

~I made Breakfast, serving Rice like they do in Colombia.~
~You "squish" your rice in this wooden thing, and it creates a hole, which you fill with ketchup.~
~Phillip, on our front porch, praying with others on Zoom for Men Arise.~
~Abigail with a tiny cup of coffee.~
Phillip and Abigail having devotions on the front porch.~

~I was SO EXCITED to get to set a pretty FALL table, and serve Breakfast on our side porch...right in the midst of a wind advisory.~
~My Caramel Apple Muffins.~
~The wind was blowing, and the rain was pouring,
and it gave SUCH A FALL FEELING!!

~It was so fun to have Kelsey and Ben over!  
An added bonus was that Chris and Noah didn't have to work and could join us!~
~Shopping at Kohl's with these girls.~
~Mary turns 14!~
Her birthday was on a Sunday, so I had invited some of Mary's friends over to SURPRISE her!
Of course, I enjoyed setting a fun table using some of the gold candleholders from Sarah's wedding.

~(If you'll remember, I shopped many thrift stores and found an assortment of candleholders.
Then, Chris and Kimberly spray painted them all Gold for Sarah's bridal table.)
~I woke Mary up with Breakfast in Bed, 
then we got ready and ran out the door to CNC.
Our family sang that morning.
We sang, "Oh, Bless the Lord!" based off of Ps. 103

~Sweet Kimberly is 37 weeks along....we cannot wait to meet her baby girl!!!!~

~That night at our Strait Creek Church, we had some fun visitors.  The Leslie's church had had no electricity, so they came over to worship with us.
Bro. Anson told us how around 8 1/2 years ago or so, he had helped put the city water in on Strait Creek Road.  
He told us that many days he sat in our church parking lot and ate his lunch and prayed that God would open these Church doors again!  
~A few minutes after service started, Phillip welcomed, 
We were sooo surprised and all quickly had to turn around and see our Adorable Adelynn!!!! (And Josh and Sarah too. ;-)
They came for Mary's birthday!
We were soooo HAPPY that they were there.
I had a hard time worshipping Jesus after that. ;-)
I just wanted to get my hands on that sweet little dolly. 

~Mr. and Mrs. Fields get to meet Adelynn.

~Grammy takes this time to Insert these ADORABLE pics of when Adelynn was newborn! 
 (Her Daddy did a great job taking these.)
I cannot believe that she is already 2 months!~

~All of us melt when she is around!  Uncle Noah is holding her, and all the kids are gathered around.~
~Aunt B Loves to hold her.~ (she really wasn't sleeping in this pic.) 

~Tiny Adelynn sits on top of Mimi's baby bump (her little cousin) and gives her the biggest smile.~
~Fall is definitely for Fun Hot drinks.~
~Uncle Bill and Cousin Laura move here from KY.~
~Last week, Phillip, Elijah, and Mary went to KY and helped Uncle Bill and cousin Laura move to our area.  They felt like God wanted them to move here to attend and help in our Strait Creek Church.  We are happy to have them here. 
Please pray that God guides them to the right house to buy, and Cousin Laura to the right job.~

~I captured this cute pic of Josh kissing his little Adelynn.~
~Sarah was shopping for a birthday gift for Mary, so I got to hold sweet little Adelynn.~

~Strait Creek Church gives Kimberly a baby shower.~

Phillip and I decided that our little church should give 
Kimberly a baby shower.
Chris and Kimberly are a faithful part of our little church. 
He leads the singing, they sing specials, and she plays her violin every service. 

Since Life is a little crazy right now, 
I decided to give her a little Baby Shower 
after Church, Thursday night, Oct. 3rd.

Abigail was a huge blessing in helping me prepare for it. 
(Mary was in KY helping U. Bill and Cousin Laura 
pack and move.)
Abigail saw this "K" for "Kline"
at Hobby Lobby and suggested we get it and fill it with treats.  
She arranged them for me.
~It was quite the eventful day.  
We lost electricity for hours that day.  But Jesus helped us get everything done in the midst of it all.  
Kimberly's electricity came on before mine did, 
so I ran my little blue berry muffins over to her to bake for me.

(And since I had no electricity, I could not iron my tablecloth.)
We set this up in the entryway of our Strait Creek Church.
~Kimberly has always loved Winnie the Pooh.
This one is so cute.
~I made Sis. Powell's yummy Banana Punch, 
and blueberry muffins.  
Abigail and I made Chicken Salad with grapes and then put that on Croissants.
Mrs. Satterfield brought chips and dip, and some cupcakes.
I told Mrs. Fields to please not bring anything, since Mr. Fields had just gotten out of the hospital.
~The Sweet Mommy-to-be...Kimberly.  
Her baby is due at the end of October. ~
~Phillip, Elijah, Mary, U. Bill, and Cousin Laura all pulled in with the U-hual truck, 
Laura's car, 
and U. Bill's car pulling a U-hual trailer, 
just a few minutes before Church on Thursday night. 

~Cousin Laura took these fun pics of Kimberly's Baby Shower.
It was so nice to have Mr. Norm there this night.~
~The Fields gave Kimberly this cute card with some cash in it to help buy things like an infant car seat,
for Baby Girl Kline.~

~Mrs. Satterfield gave Kimberly several cute baby clothes, including this pretty dress.
Plus she gave her diapers and wipes.~
~On Tuesday when we were in Cinci for music lessons, 
Mary, Abigail, and I found some cute little outfits for baby.~

I laughed til I cried when Sarah showed it to me.
I took the pic long ago, but I had forgotten.
Check out Sarah's curlers AND adorable CHICKY slippers!
She surely was "self-caring" in this pic. :-)
I believe I see Adelynn's little face in Sarah's.


The night after Kimberly's baby shower, we had our tailgate party at CNC.
If you know me by now, I don't normally do things HALF WAY!
So, of course, I drug half of my house to set up my fun tailgate and table of goodies. :-)


~Uncle Bill meets Pastor Eisenhart~

~My mini Blueberry muffins.~

I got some blue and white "pillow ticking" for my tablecloth.
And then put my Red and White Christmas table runner on it. 
(but folded the Christmas part under on both ends.)

~Caramel Apple Dip & apples.~

~My Mini Pumpkin Muffins.~

~Uncle Bill meets Ray Campbell.~

~And of course, I made my Cappuccino Punch.~

~This Red, white, and Blue pennant banner was hanging in a baby store window in Argentina when we lived there in 2014.  
I about DIED when I saw it.  I hardly had any decorations there that reminded my of my country so far away.
So, I bought this pennant banner and used it as part of my 4th of July decor back then.

~My Sweet friend Connie and her Nathan and the Justices did this for their tailgate.  Cute.
I ended up tying for Grand prize with Connie.~

~My gift for tying for Grand prize.~
~Sweet friends.
Stephanie, Heather, and Connie.~
~Levi and Elijah....Twins separated at Birth!~
~Rebekah, Eva, and Mary.~

~We took a fun hayride.~
~I handed my phone to Ryan and he snapped this fun pic of all us.~

~Phillip so wanted to come this night, but had to take care of something before he left for Men Arise...and then Colombia.  
So, dear Noah hung out with me some. 
Cousin Laura took this fun pic.~

~Fun Fireworks!~

~Cousin Laura took these fun pics too.~

~The Beckers put out this nice flag...
An Appeal to Heaven!!!
I have been weeping and begging Jesus to FORGIVE our Nation's SINS and heal our Land!
Dear Lord, Please Revive Us Again!!
~Friday night, Mary was serving the volleyball, and went to step back and her foot caught on the boundary rope and she fell backwards...landing on her right wrist! :-(
So, Saturday afternoon found us at the clinic to make sure it wasn't broken.
It wasn't, Praise Jesus!  Just a Bad Sprain!
~Pretty Fall Leaves~
~Pastor Appreciation at Strait Creek last Sunday night!~
~It is so nice to have Uncle Bill and Cousin Laura a part of our church.~
~A few weeks ago Mrs. Fields told me that she wanted to get a card for us all to sign and we could all add money to it, and give Phillip a nice Pastor Appreciation evening!
She did a great job giving the nice little talk and presenting the idea that she had had.
~Phillip was so Surprised!
He got teary-eyed.
Mr. Fields, the dear Faithful man that kept the church open, and Phillip.~

~Fresh yummy pears from Mr. Norm.~
~Adelynn Elise!!!~

~My sweet friend Janie gave me this cute pumpkin mug.~

~The girls heading to piano lessons with Martha.~

Like I mentioned above, he is to speak a couple times to the Men at Men Arise this Thursday and Friday.
Then the guys fly in Saturday from CO, and Phillip will attend CNC Sunday AM, 
Preach at Strait Creek Sunday PM, 
He has been helping others and running so much, 
that I have been worried about him! 
He needs God's Strength and help!
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